What Incompetence Looks Like.....


Will work for Scooby snacks
In a parallel universe, George W. Bush is a hero. He got the inspectors back into Iraq, kept Saddam contained in his box, and focused his attention on getting Afghanistan right....

Taliban Resurgent - Yesterday, NATO's commander asked for reinforcements:

NATO's top commander, Gen. James L. Jones, on Thursday called for allied nations to send reinforcements to southern Afghanistan, saying the coming weeks could be decisive in the fight against the Taliban....Jones acknowledged that NATO had been surprised by the "level of intensity" of Taliban attacks since the alliance moved into the southern region in July and by the fact the insurgents were prepared to stand and fight rather than deploy their usual hit-and-run tactics.

Today, a car bomb exploded in Kabul killing 18 including 2 Americans.

The driver of a car packed with explosives rammed into a U.S. military convoy in downtown Kabul on Friday, killing himself and at least 18 other people, including two American soldiers. Two other American soldiers were among 31 people wounded.

The blast, near the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, came as NATO chiefs appealed for member nations to send reinforcements to combat resurgent Taliban militants. A top British general said the fighting in volatile southern Afghanistan was now more ferocious than in Iraq.


It is questionable that if we did not go into Iraq things would be better in Afghanistan. The problems in Afghanistan are not because we do not have enough soldiers but rather social conditions there. The taliban is better funded and can pay its troops more handsomely that the Afghan government. Also Hamid Karzai has failed to be able to appeal to the Afghans in the same way the Taliban has.
We screwed up the war in Afghanistan just like we screwed up the war in Iraq. Don't tell me you are surprised Cypress!
The war was won in a matter of a few weeks with little loss of American life. What a great job. Now turning the country that has no history of rational goverment into a decent society may be asking to much.
They can't see your posts Toby. Half the board has you on ignore.

and all he'd have to do is apologize to me for slandering me and my son, and I would take him off ignore.....I would certainly never go out of my way to actually READ any of his drivel - especially all that weird sexual deviancy crap he seems to find - but I would at least not ignore him anymore. Once in a while, he's good for a laugh, but his despicable slanderous personality pretty much outweighs any value he might offer