What is freedom?


New member
To me freedom is the ability to live my life as I see fit, providing no one is hurt by that choice.
Liberals see freedom as live your life the way we tell you to or we will send in tanks and swat teams to force you to our will.

In liberal newspeak.......freedom is slavery!!
So if a "Liberal" law tells you, "you need to wear a seat belt" what does that tell you?

That you are in a Dicatatorship economy?

Or that there are lots of people out there everyday that die in car accidents and didn't wear their seat belt.

Does Liberty think beyond ones self and maybe think about the children that person may have left behind? Or does Liberty care?

NO!, They don't care because they are trained to avoid emotion in decision.

Freedom is the ability to pull yourself from ALL parties. Notice the flaws in ALL parties. Because once you submit to a party, you will become a tyrant to that party.

And yes, that includes the Libertarians.
So if a "Liberal" law tells you, "you need to wear a seat belt" what does that tell you?

That you are in a Dicatatorship economy?

Or that there are lots of people out there everyday that die in car accidents and didn't wear their seat belt.

Does Liberty think beyond ones self and maybe think about the children that person may have left behind? Or does Liberty care?

NO!, They don't care because they are trained to avoid emotion in decision.

Freedom is the ability to pull yourself from ALL parties. Notice the flaws in ALL parties. Because once you submit to a party, you will become a tyrant to that party.

And yes, that includes the Libertarians.

Emotion and law cannot exist together for there to be freedom. Emotion in government must be removed and avoided at all costs, as it always leads to tyranny.