What Is Happening To Me Here In Canada Is Absolutely Disgusting And Despicable

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
OK before I begin, first I shared a story last year with the officials of Canada and the public of falling in love March 12 2021 (with someone named Sarah whom I later found out worked at a bar and grill called Cadillac Jax in June 2021). Secondly I have had whom I thought was a friend on my Ontario provincial contact list for years now of which on my newest lists I recently updated fro the New Year I bumped him to my federal list but just now removed him to share this with you. I also removed the Hamilton police from my federal list to share this with you. I also removed my new landlord whom I informed what I do from this list to share this with you.

The person whom I thought was a friend referred me to my current residence of which I can hardly wait to vacate and I am quite confident you will soon understand why. All kinds of crazy rhetoric has been going on since I moved in which appears to be a cheap form of sabotage but I will stick with what is of the utmost importance to keep this from becoming a book.

A couple of weeks ago I was waking up and I was losing control of my nerves as in I couldn't even pour a cup of coffee because my arms and legs were shaking so bad and I couldn't figure out why until one night I woke up to hearing a hissing sound and it was coming from the direction of my heater vent of which is an old house with the 12 inch long and ten inch high grate (approximate size) in the wall / not the floor. I could see this little glow in my heating vent so I turned on my light to see the guy downstairs' face in my vent holding a hose which appeared to be releasing some sort of gas into my room and someone outside my door stating "this is your last night" so I got dressed and jumped out the window (been living in the front room of the first floor) heading for the Hamilton police station only to notice what appeared to be a white van following me. I weaved through a few streets on foot until I found someone exiting a cab. I ran up to the cab and asked if they could take me to the police station and away we went.

I get to the police station and explain that the guy downstairs appears to be poisoning me with gas. I also explained that I have no doubt that there is a camera hidden somewhere in my room because tenants knew things about me that only a hidden camera in my room could ever reveal to them (to make a long story short on the camera subject) The police refer me to a shrink at a place they call "Coast". I couldn't frigg'n believe that they were laughing this off and trying to pss me of as delusional.

Even stranger I noticed Sarah coming to hang out with some of the guys at the house while avoiding me like the plague. I opened the door to step out the front and get a breath of fresh air and saw her coming directly towards me but when she saw me she turned around and walked away one night. About an hour later I came back out to find her ducking behind some flowers on the next door neighbors porch and I said "really, hiding behind some flowers" and went back inside. They would come out to meet her and sneak her through the back door and up the stairs.(I do not take to such games kindly) and soon after I heard her upstairs but whenever I went upstairs to use the washroom I could hear doors shut. Yeah that was weird and kind of ironic but wait for it.

On the third of this month, Jan 2022:

I walked up the stairs in a shared accommodation at 778 Cannon St. E. Hamilton Ontario to use the washroom and found a woman (Sarah who worked at Cadillac Jax June 2021 of which I do not know her last name) being gang raped and beaten too a bloody face and bloodshot eyes by members of what appears to be the local Russian mob so I called the police. (She looked up at me while hiding behind a chair and it really broke my heart and tore me apart but I am not about to physically take on members of a mob let alone I am known around the world for not advocating violence for the past 21 years as an activist) This guy who lived in the attic and always smells like urine heard me on my computer calling the police and yelled "he's calling the police" to alert the rapists and woman beaters so I threw on my shoes and went out the door then as I was leaving i saw him smacking Sarah's bloody face at the top of the stairs. This was just after the driver of the white van came back and went up to join them as well. I went to the corner store and asked the man to call 911 and instead of calling 911 this man called someone else and spoke in his foreign tongue and I was under the impression he was asking someone for permission to call the police for me. He then handed me a phone and i called 911. I was immediately targeted, followed and even chased upon leaving that store by men wearing shades in a white van. Because local businesses were even calling someone for permission to call the police for me I began to grow very suspicious and thus went to a few different locations to call the police. I walked and even ran when it looked like the men in the white van where trying to corner me against a fence to prevent me from being kidnapped or attacked. They seemed discouraged when I did that like they have been through it all before. I then walked back a block away from my residence concerned I would be picked off if I got too close and still saw no police. I didn't and still do not want to go back to that residence because I suspect I'll be picked off until a proper investigation is launched and Sarah found. I mean I ran out of there without socks, and only wearing flannel pants of which it was very cold that day but I knew I didn't have time to get properly dressed before leaving to call the police. I spent a couple of hours sleeping at a whom I thought was a friends place whom I removed from this mailing list to share this with you that night and got up at 4 in the morning and went to central station, at about 5 AM I arrived at central station. (I got out of there early because I had a feeling staying would make me an easy target.

The officer behind the desk stated he had not anything on file about the call I made until the receptionist overheard him say that and she stated I remember taking that call. Then suddenly the officer stated that he found something. Then he told me that officers didn't find any woman or any blood and I wasn't there for them to talk too (which is why I came the the station on the 4th of Jan. 2022 to speak with them where I felt somewhat safe) It was like I was being blown off like it never happened. Like I was delusional and was being referred to speak with a shrink at Coast once again. I saw this woman being raped and beaten before my very eyes and i was extremely shocked. I keep thinking if I only snuck out of the house immediately instead of trying to decide what to do and called the police from a different location other than that corner store they may have gotten there in time to help her (Yeah, Sarah the one I fell in love with back on March 12th 2021. Way too ironic)

I found out that the East end station was the station that dealt with anything East of Sherman Ave (I called RCMP, who referred me to OPP who redirected me to the East end station of which they told me to come down and speak with them.) I arrived at the East end station at around 3 PM 4th of Jan 2022.

I began to speak with an officer at the desk but when the other officer at the front desk heard what it was about he told the first officer that he would handle this. The second officer told me police showed up didn't find any blood and the girl was found just fine. Then I started to get angry and told him funny that the officer at the other police station told me that no girl or blood was found. So the officer asked me for my name and the address and actually looked at the file and stated yeah no girl was found and no blood was found. Then another officer came into the station and the so called officer I was talking too asked him if he took the call at 778 Cannon on the previous day and he said yes and he stated that no girl or blood was found. I asked him if they brought the special light to detect blood and he said he didn't but his partner might have. (how could these guys at this station be so incompetent unless deliberate?!) Then the officer that just came in looked at me and stated that it never even happened like I made up that I saw her gang raped and beaten while she screamed with one guy under her with his penis up her anus and another thug on top of her. The officer at the desk started to get really cocky and started speaking to me like I was a retard for even suggesting that it really did happen.

I told them all that I didn't know what Sarah's last name was but I never told any of them that I knew that Sarah worked at Cadillac Jax June 2021 because they just were not taking it seriously but instead treating it like some sort of joke but I shared with investigators that is where she worked and I sincerely hope they do adopt this investigation of the Hamilton Police force. (I sent her a dozen red roses through Patricia Christina flowers on June 25 2021 to the lovely waitress Sarah from David Jeffrey Spetch of the Carlton which was a tavern around the corner where I lived at the time.) Perhaps proper authorities unlike the Hamilton police force can use this to their advantage to have Sarah found. She might be dead now. It broke my heart and further broke my heart that these two stations blew it off and acted like I was crazy for even suggesting that such really did happen. Please investigate and please have her found. (Oh and when I went up the stairs I overheard something about Sarah owing them $3000.00 but she apparently didn't have the money.)

Jan 5th 2022 (part of my report to investigators also):

My problem is that I suspect that the Russian mob here in Hamilton is running our police stations. This is a serious red flag and I would appreciate a thorough investigation into the King William station as well as the East end station for such corruption as they both appeared to want to blow this off right from the get go.

Yeah I went to Hamilton city Hall into they Mayors office, even talked to Mayor Fred Eisenberger himself and asked his assistant who do I report corruption suspected in our Hamilton Police force too?! I got my answer and I reported it to those that the Mayors office lead me too.

I have not been back to that address and do not seek to live in a house full of scum bags who would do things that these people have done. I have something called a conscience, and know what I saw and am certainly not the one in need of a shrink.

Jan 11th My suspicions broadened when he who I thought was a friend (and whom I removed from this list to share this with all of you) managed to dig up the phone number where I am temporarily staying telling me that the general hospital called claiming I have an appointment with them of which I knew not anything of (just so happens I guess a year or so ago I asked if I could use his number for medical reasons and they apparently kept his number as my contact number) or he made that up because I called and asked to cancel but not anything was found. He also told me that Coast (the shrink) and the police were at 778 Cannon looking for me of which until I hear back from the investigators on whether they will pursue the case to investigate the Hamilton police force for being infiltrated by a very corrupted influence I have no desire to contact the Hamilton police because they appear to be trying to make me out to be a lunatic for reporting what I factually have witnessed. I let the cat out of the bag that I started a possible investigation after I asked him not to let anyone know he contacted me of which I guess was in vane if he is already in on it. I'll not contact the Hamilton Police until after I find out if investigators will follow through with this investigation.

I suspect that the Hamilton Police force may have caught wind on the investigation and are trying to get to me before the investigators make their decision on proceeding with this case I am pursuing to have the Hamilton Police force investigated for corruption to try and make me out to be a lunatic in attempt to dissolve the pending investigation.

But now that I look at the entirety of what is transpiring here, from my so called friend being on my mailing list for years referring me to live there and still appearing to be playing me, to Sarah who I fell in love with and now coming to hang out with other guys in the house I live, to the police passing off what I share as bull pucky while instead referring me to a shrink at Coast, it appears to be very possibly much larger than the Russian Mob behind this, it appears to be the globalist crime organization using what I have been sharing, people on my contact lists, people I share have been in my life, people who live at this place as pawns to try and discredit that these globalist fools have not even so much as a shred of validity in contesting what the facts I share prove when it comes to the foundation of especially any primary global issue I address over the years to instead try and make me out to look like a lunatic for reporting what I witness to try and detour people from some of the best and most solid information on the planet.

I am being toyed with is what I suspect but take the report to investigate the Hamilton Police force very seriously.

Look at what they have been doing to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Blair Cottrell of Australia, Tommy Robinson of the UK etc. (Of which they are activists, however I am on a whole other level as I am confident many of you are already aware since year 2000)

I guess when it comes to me, they save the very best for last and attempt something so very pathetic as to use people on my contact list to bait me to move into a house full of puppets of which someone I fell in love with (and shared this information of falling in love with the officials of Canada etc. last year) mysteriously shows up and hangs out with other guys in the house I just moved into then gets gang raped and beaten before my very eyes all the while perhaps ready to play right into their globalist rhetoric to try and drag me down to their sick and pathetic level. (It's so hard to see through that one, it was one of the sickest things I ever witnessed which will likely haunt me until the day I die. Shocking!)

I suspect they are trying to get me to become violent and start physically kicking peoples ass. I could have grabbed a can of glade with a lighter and burned the guys face off in the vent but I didn't, instead I went to the police where they tried to implicate that i was a lunatic for even suggesting such or I could have grabbed the nearest solid object and started beating the crap out of the guys attacking Sarah but I chose to instead go to the police where they try and implicate that I am a lunatic for even suggesting such ever happened.

I mean this is pretty sick and pathetic when you witness something, go to the police and report it but instead of being taken seriously they try and suggest that you need a shrink at a place called Coast instead of doing their job!!!

Anyway, I await the pending investigation, plan on moving (hard when you have next to nothing financially) but I'll not continue to live in such a sick crap hole full of scumbags who pull crap like that.

As for the police, I really hope that the investigation gets adopted and pursued to clean up our Hamilton police force from this sick joke it has proven to me to be. I sincerely hope that these investigators find Sarah to make sure that she is ok. If she is found and damaged or dead, I am a witness. I would like to know what happened to her no matter what is going on here. For all I really know she might even be dead. That was brutal, disgusting, sick and heartbreaking.

I mean are people around me betraying me and playing a part for these globalists to stage such (when it comes to the gas through my heat vent, my nerves really did get very bad there so there must have been something bad in what was being pumped into my room while I was sleeping) or is this really the Hamilton Russian mob gang raping and beating women while having infiltrated the Hamilton police force to turn a blind eye to say the least. Why would a so called friend refer me to this place then all of a sudden all of this frigged up crap start happening?! Oh there is more but I am sticking with not making this a novel, personally I'd like to see it resolved and move on because I have perhaps many countries I can still save from this globalist crime organization and their sick and shady narratives. I just finished updating most of my Canadian official contacts federally and provincially across the country but before I could finish I witness this rape and beating with my own eyes and now do not even have access to my own computer pending finding a way to get my stuff out of that house.

I am kind of lingering in the dark here, are these people all being bribed to try and pull this off? It is looking quite possibly that way but right now I am way too exhausted but had to share this with all of you officials and activists etc. across Canada. I mean what is in store for all of you if they try and make me out to be a lunatic and succeeded for reporting what I factually witnessed... think! For starters, you'll have no more front line defense looking out for everyone while intellectually slaughtering globalist rhetoric with the greatest of ease especially on the foundations of primary issues I address. Yeah they have managed to distract me and slow me down as of late but I have no intention on giving up on all of you. We are still very salvageable and never forget a few thugs controlling main stream media is not ever the majority of the population no matter what rubbish they try and feed you. You who oppose them and their easily exposed rubbish are the majority, never forget this no matter how many times they DE platform you so they can continue to spew their lies which are easily bested with facts that expose their sick and pathetic lies and deceptions which is why they DE platform you. It's sad that we have sell out's but they can be easily toppled. Never let the globalists get away with such violence as mandatory jabs (of which they lie calling them vaccines of which never vaccinate you from the virus to begin with and let's not forget Sept 10 2021 the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with their rubbish to try and hide the fact that if you can still get the virus after the jab it was never a vaccine to begin with) because being stabbed against your will is violence and throughout history violence is countered with violence to try and protect one's own or the many. I am not an advocate for violence as 21 years as Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist in the making has already revealed but if you are going to threaten the citizens of Canada with violence, I can't blame the citizens of Canada for seeing heads literally roll for this! These globalists are selfish, greedy, ignorant, compulsive, obsessive lying scum! Never give up the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
778 Cannon St. E.
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Can you imagine a police force whom to evade having to do their jobs, just tells people reporting crime ~ here take this card it's for a place called Coast while telling you to see one of their shrinks for reporting a crime!

WTF a globalist tactic to give people a sense of no justice?!!

Deliberate vigilante creation intended here?!!

I posted this thread on "ThinkSpot" as well yesterday morning, perhaps it inspired Jordan to make his video. None the less glad he did because it points out lack of trust while degenerating our society just like the police force here in Hamilton. Hope he liked my angle on the fact that stabbing people against their will is violence when it comes to the sick and filthy idea of mandatory jabs. Good eye Hawkeye. No sympathy for shitmas though ...
Sounds like the movie Eraserhead

I haven't seen that movie so I looked it up on google search and see that there was a woman living in the ducts. This gimp spying etc. on me behind my heating vent is fucki'n creepy and I really could have taken a lighter and glade air freshener and burned his retarded face off. But leave it up to the hamilton police to evade doing their job and refer me to a shrink for reporting this sick shit.
OK before I begin, first I shared a story last year with the officials of Canada and the public of falling in love March 12 2021 (with someone named Sarah whom I later found out worked at a bar and grill called Cadillac Jax in June 2021). Secondly I have had whom I thought was a friend on my Ontario provincial contact list for years now of which on my newest lists I recently updated fro the New Year I bumped him to my federal list but just now removed him to share this with you. I also removed the Hamilton police from my federal list to share this with you. I also removed my new landlord whom I informed what I do from this list to share this with you.

The person whom I thought was a friend referred me to my current residence of which I can hardly wait to vacate and I am quite confident you will soon understand why. All kinds of crazy rhetoric has been going on since I moved in which appears to be a cheap form of sabotage but I will stick with what is of the utmost importance to keep this from becoming a book.

A couple of weeks ago I was waking up and I was losing control of my nerves as in I couldn't even pour a cup of coffee because my arms and legs were shaking so bad and I couldn't figure out why until one night I woke up to hearing a hissing sound and it was coming from the direction of my heater vent of which is an old house with the 12 inch long and ten inch high grate (approximate size) in the wall / not the floor. I could see this little glow in my heating vent so I turned on my light to see the guy downstairs' face in my vent holding a hose which appeared to be releasing some sort of gas into my room and someone outside my door stating "this is your last night" so I got dressed and jumped out the window (been living in the front room of the first floor) heading for the Hamilton police station only to notice what appeared to be a white van following me. I weaved through a few streets on foot until I found someone exiting a cab. I ran up to the cab and asked if they could take me to the police station and away we went.

I get to the police station and explain that the guy downstairs appears to be poisoning me with gas. I also explained that I have no doubt that there is a camera hidden somewhere in my room because tenants knew things about me that only a hidden camera in my room could ever reveal to them (to make a long story short on the camera subject) The police refer me to a shrink at a place they call "Coast". I couldn't frigg'n believe that they were laughing this off and trying to pss me of as delusional.

Even stranger I noticed Sarah coming to hang out with some of the guys at the house while avoiding me like the plague. I opened the door to step out the front and get a breath of fresh air and saw her coming directly towards me but when she saw me she turned around and walked away one night. About an hour later I came back out to find her ducking behind some flowers on the next door neighbors porch and I said "really, hiding behind some flowers" and went back inside. They would come out to meet her and sneak her through the back door and up the stairs.(I do not take to such games kindly) and soon after I heard her upstairs but whenever I went upstairs to use the washroom I could hear doors shut. Yeah that was weird and kind of ironic but wait for it.

On the third of this month, Jan 2022:

I walked up the stairs in a shared accommodation at 778 Cannon St. E. Hamilton Ontario to use the washroom and found a woman (Sarah who worked at Cadillac Jax June 2021 of which I do not know her last name) being gang raped and beaten too a bloody face and bloodshot eyes by members of what appears to be the local Russian mob so I called the police. (She looked up at me while hiding behind a chair and it really broke my heart and tore me apart but I am not about to physically take on members of a mob let alone I am known around the world for not advocating violence for the past 21 years as an activist) This guy who lived in the attic and always smells like urine heard me on my computer calling the police and yelled "he's calling the police" to alert the rapists and woman beaters so I threw on my shoes and went out the door then as I was leaving i saw him smacking Sarah's bloody face at the top of the stairs. This was just after the driver of the white van came back and went up to join them as well. I went to the corner store and asked the man to call 911 and instead of calling 911 this man called someone else and spoke in his foreign tongue and I was under the impression he was asking someone for permission to call the police for me. He then handed me a phone and i called 911. I was immediately targeted, followed and even chased upon leaving that store by men wearing shades in a white van. Because local businesses were even calling someone for permission to call the police for me I began to grow very suspicious and thus went to a few different locations to call the police. I walked and even ran when it looked like the men in the white van where trying to corner me against a fence to prevent me from being kidnapped or attacked. They seemed discouraged when I did that like they have been through it all before. I then walked back a block away from my residence concerned I would be picked off if I got too close and still saw no police. I didn't and still do not want to go back to that residence because I suspect I'll be picked off until a proper investigation is launched and Sarah found. I mean I ran out of there without socks, and only wearing flannel pants of which it was very cold that day but I knew I didn't have time to get properly dressed before leaving to call the police. I spent a couple of hours sleeping at a whom I thought was a friends place whom I removed from this mailing list to share this with you that night and got up at 4 in the morning and went to central station, at about 5 AM I arrived at central station. (I got out of there early because I had a feeling staying would make me an easy target.

The officer behind the desk stated he had not anything on file about the call I made until the receptionist overheard him say that and she stated I remember taking that call. Then suddenly the officer stated that he found something. Then he told me that officers didn't find any woman or any blood and I wasn't there for them to talk too (which is why I came the the station on the 4th of Jan. 2022 to speak with them where I felt somewhat safe) It was like I was being blown off like it never happened. Like I was delusional and was being referred to speak with a shrink at Coast once again. I saw this woman being raped and beaten before my very eyes and i was extremely shocked. I keep thinking if I only snuck out of the house immediately instead of trying to decide what to do and called the police from a different location other than that corner store they may have gotten there in time to help her (Yeah, Sarah the one I fell in love with back on March 12th 2021. Way too ironic)

I found out that the East end station was the station that dealt with anything East of Sherman Ave (I called RCMP, who referred me to OPP who redirected me to the East end station of which they told me to come down and speak with them.) I arrived at the East end station at around 3 PM 4th of Jan 2022.

I began to speak with an officer at the desk but when the other officer at the front desk heard what it was about he told the first officer that he would handle this. The second officer told me police showed up didn't find any blood and the girl was found just fine. Then I started to get angry and told him funny that the officer at the other police station told me that no girl or blood was found. So the officer asked me for my name and the address and actually looked at the file and stated yeah no girl was found and no blood was found. Then another officer came into the station and the so called officer I was talking too asked him if he took the call at 778 Cannon on the previous day and he said yes and he stated that no girl or blood was found. I asked him if they brought the special light to detect blood and he said he didn't but his partner might have. (how could these guys at this station be so incompetent unless deliberate?!) Then the officer that just came in looked at me and stated that it never even happened like I made up that I saw her gang raped and beaten while she screamed with one guy under her with his penis up her anus and another thug on top of her. The officer at the desk started to get really cocky and started speaking to me like I was a retard for even suggesting that it really did happen.

I told them all that I didn't know what Sarah's last name was but I never told any of them that I knew that Sarah worked at Cadillac Jax June 2021 because they just were not taking it seriously but instead treating it like some sort of joke but I shared with investigators that is where she worked and I sincerely hope they do adopt this investigation of the Hamilton Police force. (I sent her a dozen red roses through Patricia Christina flowers on June 25 2021 to the lovely waitress Sarah from David Jeffrey Spetch of the Carlton which was a tavern around the corner where I lived at the time.) Perhaps proper authorities unlike the Hamilton police force can use this to their advantage to have Sarah found. She might be dead now. It broke my heart and further broke my heart that these two stations blew it off and acted like I was crazy for even suggesting that such really did happen. Please investigate and please have her found. (Oh and when I went up the stairs I overheard something about Sarah owing them $3000.00 but she apparently didn't have the money.)

Jan 5th 2022 (part of my report to investigators also):

My problem is that I suspect that the Russian mob here in Hamilton is running our police stations. This is a serious red flag and I would appreciate a thorough investigation into the King William station as well as the East end station for such corruption as they both appeared to want to blow this off right from the get go.

Yeah I went to Hamilton city Hall into they Mayors office, even talked to Mayor Fred Eisenberger himself and asked his assistant who do I report corruption suspected in our Hamilton Police force too?! I got my answer and I reported it to those that the Mayors office lead me too.

I have not been back to that address and do not seek to live in a house full of scum bags who would do things that these people have done. I have something called a conscience, and know what I saw and am certainly not the one in need of a shrink.

Jan 11th My suspicions broadened when he who I thought was a friend (and whom I removed from this list to share this with all of you) managed to dig up the phone number where I am temporarily staying telling me that the general hospital called claiming I have an appointment with them of which I knew not anything of (just so happens I guess a year or so ago I asked if I could use his number for medical reasons and they apparently kept his number as my contact number) or he made that up because I called and asked to cancel but not anything was found. He also told me that Coast (the shrink) and the police were at 778 Cannon looking for me of which until I hear back from the investigators on whether they will pursue the case to investigate the Hamilton police force for being infiltrated by a very corrupted influence I have no desire to contact the Hamilton police because they appear to be trying to make me out to be a lunatic for reporting what I factually have witnessed. I let the cat out of the bag that I started a possible investigation after I asked him not to let anyone know he contacted me of which I guess was in vane if he is already in on it. I'll not contact the Hamilton Police until after I find out if investigators will follow through with this investigation.

I suspect that the Hamilton Police force may have caught wind on the investigation and are trying to get to me before the investigators make their decision on proceeding with this case I am pursuing to have the Hamilton Police force investigated for corruption to try and make me out to be a lunatic in attempt to dissolve the pending investigation.

But now that I look at the entirety of what is transpiring here, from my so called friend being on my mailing list for years referring me to live there and still appearing to be playing me, to Sarah who I fell in love with and now coming to hang out with other guys in the house I live, to the police passing off what I share as bull pucky while instead referring me to a shrink at Coast, it appears to be very possibly much larger than the Russian Mob behind this, it appears to be the globalist crime organization using what I have been sharing, people on my contact lists, people I share have been in my life, people who live at this place as pawns to try and discredit that these globalist fools have not even so much as a shred of validity in contesting what the facts I share prove when it comes to the foundation of especially any primary global issue I address over the years to instead try and make me out to look like a lunatic for reporting what I witness to try and detour people from some of the best and most solid information on the planet.

I am being toyed with is what I suspect but take the report to investigate the Hamilton Police force very seriously.

Look at what they have been doing to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Blair Cottrell of Australia, Tommy Robinson of the UK etc. (Of which they are activists, however I am on a whole other level as I am confident many of you are already aware since year 2000)

I guess when it comes to me, they save the very best for last and attempt something so very pathetic as to use people on my contact list to bait me to move into a house full of puppets of which someone I fell in love with (and shared this information of falling in love with the officials of Canada etc. last year) mysteriously shows up and hangs out with other guys in the house I just moved into then gets gang raped and beaten before my very eyes all the while perhaps ready to play right into their globalist rhetoric to try and drag me down to their sick and pathetic level. (It's so hard to see through that one, it was one of the sickest things I ever witnessed which will likely haunt me until the day I die. Shocking!)

I suspect they are trying to get me to become violent and start physically kicking peoples ass. I could have grabbed a can of glade with a lighter and burned the guys face off in the vent but I didn't, instead I went to the police where they tried to implicate that i was a lunatic for even suggesting such or I could have grabbed the nearest solid object and started beating the crap out of the guys attacking Sarah but I chose to instead go to the police where they try and implicate that I am a lunatic for even suggesting such ever happened.

I mean this is pretty sick and pathetic when you witness something, go to the police and report it but instead of being taken seriously they try and suggest that you need a shrink at a place called Coast instead of doing their job!!!

Anyway, I await the pending investigation, plan on moving (hard when you have next to nothing financially) but I'll not continue to live in such a sick crap hole full of scumbags who pull crap like that.

As for the police, I really hope that the investigation gets adopted and pursued to clean up our Hamilton police force from this sick joke it has proven to me to be. I sincerely hope that these investigators find Sarah to make sure that she is ok. If she is found and damaged or dead, I am a witness. I would like to know what happened to her no matter what is going on here. For all I really know she might even be dead. That was brutal, disgusting, sick and heartbreaking.

I mean are people around me betraying me and playing a part for these globalists to stage such (when it comes to the gas through my heat vent, my nerves really did get very bad there so there must have been something bad in what was being pumped into my room while I was sleeping) or is this really the Hamilton Russian mob gang raping and beating women while having infiltrated the Hamilton police force to turn a blind eye to say the least. Why would a so called friend refer me to this place then all of a sudden all of this frigged up crap start happening?! Oh there is more but I am sticking with not making this a novel, personally I'd like to see it resolved and move on because I have perhaps many countries I can still save from this globalist crime organization and their sick and shady narratives. I just finished updating most of my Canadian official contacts federally and provincially across the country but before I could finish I witness this rape and beating with my own eyes and now do not even have access to my own computer pending finding a way to get my stuff out of that house.

I am kind of lingering in the dark here, are these people all being bribed to try and pull this off? It is looking quite possibly that way but right now I am way too exhausted but had to share this with all of you officials and activists etc. across Canada. I mean what is in store for all of you if they try and make me out to be a lunatic and succeeded for reporting what I factually witnessed... think! For starters, you'll have no more front line defense looking out for everyone while intellectually slaughtering globalist rhetoric with the greatest of ease especially on the foundations of primary issues I address. Yeah they have managed to distract me and slow me down as of late but I have no intention on giving up on all of you. We are still very salvageable and never forget a few thugs controlling main stream media is not ever the majority of the population no matter what rubbish they try and feed you. You who oppose them and their easily exposed rubbish are the majority, never forget this no matter how many times they DE platform you so they can continue to spew their lies which are easily bested with facts that expose their sick and pathetic lies and deceptions which is why they DE platform you. It's sad that we have sell out's but they can be easily toppled. Never let the globalists get away with such violence as mandatory jabs (of which they lie calling them vaccines of which never vaccinate you from the virus to begin with and let's not forget Sept 10 2021 the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with their rubbish to try and hide the fact that if you can still get the virus after the jab it was never a vaccine to begin with) because being stabbed against your will is violence and throughout history violence is countered with violence to try and protect one's own or the many. I am not an advocate for violence as 21 years as Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist in the making has already revealed but if you are going to threaten the citizens of Canada with violence, I can't blame the citizens of Canada for seeing heads literally roll for this! These globalists are selfish, greedy, ignorant, compulsive, obsessive lying scum! Never give up the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
778 Cannon St. E.
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Maybe "Sarah" just likes it rough, bro. She's not your problem.
Maybe "Sarah" just likes it rough, bro. She's not your problem.

I know she doesn't like it up the back door Matt, secondly she was screaming like she was in agony and what woman doesn't live to be beaten so their face is smeared in blood, eyes bloodshot while she scrambles to hide behind a chair trembling in fear. No Matt it is my problem because it will possibly haunt me for the rest of my life or until I at least get confirmation she is alive and doing as well as she can after living through such a nightmare. It was gang rape and a violent beating and it all happened so fast. If she lived, she is likely torn and perhaps for life.

I'm still on investigators to find her and pursue this investigation upon the Hamilton so called police department. This is a mockery and a fuckin outrage.
Maybe "Sarah" just likes it rough, bro. She's not your problem.

Oh and Matt, It's been over ten months now since I met Sarah but at the time of the incident almost 10 months and in that time on every occasion that I saw her not once did she have so much as a scratch or even a blemish and she never walked like she was in pain.
OK before I begin, first I shared a story last year with the officials of Canada and the public of falling in love March 12 2021 (with someone named Sarah whom I later found out worked at a bar and grill called Cadillac Jax in June 2021). Secondly I have had whom I thought was a friend on my Ontario provincial contact list for years now of which on my newest lists I recently updated fro the New Year I bumped him to my federal list but just now removed him to share this with you. I also removed the Hamilton police from my federal list to share this with you. I also removed my new landlord whom I informed what I do from this list to share this with you.

The person whom I thought was a friend referred me to my current residence of which I can hardly wait to vacate and I am quite confident you will soon understand why. All kinds of crazy rhetoric has been going on since I moved in which appears to be a cheap form of sabotage but I will stick with what is of the utmost importance to keep this from becoming a book.

A couple of weeks ago I was waking up and I was losing control of my nerves as in I couldn't even pour a cup of coffee because my arms and legs were shaking so bad and I couldn't figure out why until one night I woke up to hearing a hissing sound and it was coming from the direction of my heater vent of which is an old house with the 12 inch long and ten inch high grate (approximate size) in the wall / not the floor. I could see this little glow in my heating vent so I turned on my light to see the guy downstairs' face in my vent holding a hose which appeared to be releasing some sort of gas into my room and someone outside my door stating "this is your last night" so I got dressed and jumped out the window (been living in the front room of the first floor) heading for the Hamilton police station only to notice what appeared to be a white van following me. I weaved through a few streets on foot until I found someone exiting a cab. I ran up to the cab and asked if they could take me to the police station and away we went.

I get to the police station and explain that the guy downstairs appears to be poisoning me with gas. I also explained that I have no doubt that there is a camera hidden somewhere in my room because tenants knew things about me that only a hidden camera in my room could ever reveal to them (to make a long story short on the camera subject) The police refer me to a shrink at a place they call "Coast". I couldn't frigg'n believe that they were laughing this off and trying to pss me of as delusional.

Even stranger I noticed Sarah coming to hang out with some of the guys at the house while avoiding me like the plague. I opened the door to step out the front and get a breath of fresh air and saw her coming directly towards me but when she saw me she turned around and walked away one night. About an hour later I came back out to find her ducking behind some flowers on the next door neighbors porch and I said "really, hiding behind some flowers" and went back inside. They would come out to meet her and sneak her through the back door and up the stairs.(I do not take to such games kindly) and soon after I heard her upstairs but whenever I went upstairs to use the washroom I could hear doors shut. Yeah that was weird and kind of ironic but wait for it.

On the third of this month, Jan 2022:

I walked up the stairs in a shared accommodation at 778 Cannon St. E. Hamilton Ontario to use the washroom and found a woman (Sarah who worked at Cadillac Jax June 2021 of which I do not know her last name) being gang raped and beaten too a bloody face and bloodshot eyes by members of what appears to be the local Russian mob so I called the police. (She looked up at me while hiding behind a chair and it really broke my heart and tore me apart but I am not about to physically take on members of a mob let alone I am known around the world for not advocating violence for the past 21 years as an activist) This guy who lived in the attic and always smells like urine heard me on my computer calling the police and yelled "he's calling the police" to alert the rapists and woman beaters so I threw on my shoes and went out the door then as I was leaving i saw him smacking Sarah's bloody face at the top of the stairs. This was just after the driver of the white van came back and went up to join them as well. I went to the corner store and asked the man to call 911 and instead of calling 911 this man called someone else and spoke in his foreign tongue and I was under the impression he was asking someone for permission to call the police for me. He then handed me a phone and i called 911. I was immediately targeted, followed and even chased upon leaving that store by men wearing shades in a white van. Because local businesses were even calling someone for permission to call the police for me I began to grow very suspicious and thus went to a few different locations to call the police. I walked and even ran when it looked like the men in the white van where trying to corner me against a fence to prevent me from being kidnapped or attacked. They seemed discouraged when I did that like they have been through it all before. I then walked back a block away from my residence concerned I would be picked off if I got too close and still saw no police. I didn't and still do not want to go back to that residence because I suspect I'll be picked off until a proper investigation is launched and Sarah found. I mean I ran out of there without socks, and only wearing flannel pants of which it was very cold that day but I knew I didn't have time to get properly dressed before leaving to call the police. I spent a couple of hours sleeping at a whom I thought was a friends place whom I removed from this mailing list to share this with you that night and got up at 4 in the morning and went to central station, at about 5 AM I arrived at central station. (I got out of there early because I had a feeling staying would make me an easy target.

The officer behind the desk stated he had not anything on file about the call I made until the receptionist overheard him say that and she stated I remember taking that call. Then suddenly the officer stated that he found something. Then he told me that officers didn't find any woman or any blood and I wasn't there for them to talk too (which is why I came the the station on the 4th of Jan. 2022 to speak with them where I felt somewhat safe) It was like I was being blown off like it never happened. Like I was delusional and was being referred to speak with a shrink at Coast once again. I saw this woman being raped and beaten before my very eyes and i was extremely shocked. I keep thinking if I only snuck out of the house immediately instead of trying to decide what to do and called the police from a different location other than that corner store they may have gotten there in time to help her (Yeah, Sarah the one I fell in love with back on March 12th 2021. Way too ironic)

I found out that the East end station was the station that dealt with anything East of Sherman Ave (I called RCMP, who referred me to OPP who redirected me to the East end station of which they told me to come down and speak with them.) I arrived at the East end station at around 3 PM 4th of Jan 2022.

I began to speak with an officer at the desk but when the other officer at the front desk heard what it was about he told the first officer that he would handle this. The second officer told me police showed up didn't find any blood and the girl was found just fine. Then I started to get angry and told him funny that the officer at the other police station told me that no girl or blood was found. So the officer asked me for my name and the address and actually looked at the file and stated yeah no girl was found and no blood was found. Then another officer came into the station and the so called officer I was talking too asked him if he took the call at 778 Cannon on the previous day and he said yes and he stated that no girl or blood was found. I asked him if they brought the special light to detect blood and he said he didn't but his partner might have. (how could these guys at this station be so incompetent unless deliberate?!) Then the officer that just came in looked at me and stated that it never even happened like I made up that I saw her gang raped and beaten while she screamed with one guy under her with his penis up her anus and another thug on top of her. The officer at the desk started to get really cocky and started speaking to me like I was a retard for even suggesting that it really did happen.

I told them all that I didn't know what Sarah's last name was but I never told any of them that I knew that Sarah worked at Cadillac Jax June 2021 because they just were not taking it seriously but instead treating it like some sort of joke but I shared with investigators that is where she worked and I sincerely hope they do adopt this investigation of the Hamilton Police force. (I sent her a dozen red roses through Patricia Christina flowers on June 25 2021 to the lovely waitress Sarah from David Jeffrey Spetch of the Carlton which was a tavern around the corner where I lived at the time.) Perhaps proper authorities unlike the Hamilton police force can use this to their advantage to have Sarah found. She might be dead now. It broke my heart and further broke my heart that these two stations blew it off and acted like I was crazy for even suggesting that such really did happen. Please investigate and please have her found. (Oh and when I went up the stairs I overheard something about Sarah owing them $3000.00 but she apparently didn't have the money.)

Jan 5th 2022 (part of my report to investigators also):

My problem is that I suspect that the Russian mob here in Hamilton is running our police stations. This is a serious red flag and I would appreciate a thorough investigation into the King William station as well as the East end station for such corruption as they both appeared to want to blow this off right from the get go.

Yeah I went to Hamilton city Hall into they Mayors office, even talked to Mayor Fred Eisenberger himself and asked his assistant who do I report corruption suspected in our Hamilton Police force too?! I got my answer and I reported it to those that the Mayors office lead me too.

I have not been back to that address and do not seek to live in a house full of scum bags who would do things that these people have done. I have something called a conscience, and know what I saw and am certainly not the one in need of a shrink.

Jan 11th My suspicions broadened when he who I thought was a friend (and whom I removed from this list to share this with all of you) managed to dig up the phone number where I am temporarily staying telling me that the general hospital called claiming I have an appointment with them of which I knew not anything of (just so happens I guess a year or so ago I asked if I could use his number for medical reasons and they apparently kept his number as my contact number) or he made that up because I called and asked to cancel but not anything was found. He also told me that Coast (the shrink) and the police were at 778 Cannon looking for me of which until I hear back from the investigators on whether they will pursue the case to investigate the Hamilton police force for being infiltrated by a very corrupted influence I have no desire to contact the Hamilton police because they appear to be trying to make me out to be a lunatic for reporting what I factually have witnessed. I let the cat out of the bag that I started a possible investigation after I asked him not to let anyone know he contacted me of which I guess was in vane if he is already in on it. I'll not contact the Hamilton Police until after I find out if investigators will follow through with this investigation.

I suspect that the Hamilton Police force may have caught wind on the investigation and are trying to get to me before the investigators make their decision on proceeding with this case I am pursuing to have the Hamilton Police force investigated for corruption to try and make me out to be a lunatic in attempt to dissolve the pending investigation.

But now that I look at the entirety of what is transpiring here, from my so called friend being on my mailing list for years referring me to live there and still appearing to be playing me, to Sarah who I fell in love with and now coming to hang out with other guys in the house I live, to the police passing off what I share as bull pucky while instead referring me to a shrink at Coast, it appears to be very possibly much larger than the Russian Mob behind this, it appears to be the globalist crime organization using what I have been sharing, people on my contact lists, people I share have been in my life, people who live at this place as pawns to try and discredit that these globalist fools have not even so much as a shred of validity in contesting what the facts I share prove when it comes to the foundation of especially any primary global issue I address over the years to instead try and make me out to look like a lunatic for reporting what I witness to try and detour people from some of the best and most solid information on the planet.

I am being toyed with is what I suspect but take the report to investigate the Hamilton Police force very seriously.

Look at what they have been doing to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Blair Cottrell of Australia, Tommy Robinson of the UK etc. (Of which they are activists, however I am on a whole other level as I am confident many of you are already aware since year 2000)

I guess when it comes to me, they save the very best for last and attempt something so very pathetic as to use people on my contact list to bait me to move into a house full of puppets of which someone I fell in love with (and shared this information of falling in love with the officials of Canada etc. last year) mysteriously shows up and hangs out with other guys in the house I just moved into then gets gang raped and beaten before my very eyes all the while perhaps ready to play right into their globalist rhetoric to try and drag me down to their sick and pathetic level. (It's so hard to see through that one, it was one of the sickest things I ever witnessed which will likely haunt me until the day I die. Shocking!)

I suspect they are trying to get me to become violent and start physically kicking peoples ass. I could have grabbed a can of glade with a lighter and burned the guys face off in the vent but I didn't, instead I went to the police where they tried to implicate that i was a lunatic for even suggesting such or I could have grabbed the nearest solid object and started beating the crap out of the guys attacking Sarah but I chose to instead go to the police where they try and implicate that I am a lunatic for even suggesting such ever happened.

I mean this is pretty sick and pathetic when you witness something, go to the police and report it but instead of being taken seriously they try and suggest that you need a shrink at a place called Coast instead of doing their job!!!

Anyway, I await the pending investigation, plan on moving (hard when you have next to nothing financially) but I'll not continue to live in such a sick crap hole full of scumbags who pull crap like that.

As for the police, I really hope that the investigation gets adopted and pursued to clean up our Hamilton police force from this sick joke it has proven to me to be. I sincerely hope that these investigators find Sarah to make sure that she is ok. If she is found and damaged or dead, I am a witness. I would like to know what happened to her no matter what is going on here. For all I really know she might even be dead. That was brutal, disgusting, sick and heartbreaking.

I mean are people around me betraying me and playing a part for these globalists to stage such (when it comes to the gas through my heat vent, my nerves really did get very bad there so there must have been something bad in what was being pumped into my room while I was sleeping) or is this really the Hamilton Russian mob gang raping and beating women while having infiltrated the Hamilton police force to turn a blind eye to say the least. Why would a so called friend refer me to this place then all of a sudden all of this frigged up crap start happening?! Oh there is more but I am sticking with not making this a novel, personally I'd like to see it resolved and move on because I have perhaps many countries I can still save from this globalist crime organization and their sick and shady narratives. I just finished updating most of my Canadian official contacts federally and provincially across the country but before I could finish I witness this rape and beating with my own eyes and now do not even have access to my own computer pending finding a way to get my stuff out of that house.

I am kind of lingering in the dark here, are these people all being bribed to try and pull this off? It is looking quite possibly that way but right now I am way too exhausted but had to share this with all of you officials and activists etc. across Canada. I mean what is in store for all of you if they try and make me out to be a lunatic and succeeded for reporting what I factually witnessed... think! For starters, you'll have no more front line defense looking out for everyone while intellectually slaughtering globalist rhetoric with the greatest of ease especially on the foundations of primary issues I address. Yeah they have managed to distract me and slow me down as of late but I have no intention on giving up on all of you. We are still very salvageable and never forget a few thugs controlling main stream media is not ever the majority of the population no matter what rubbish they try and feed you. You who oppose them and their easily exposed rubbish are the majority, never forget this no matter how many times they DE platform you so they can continue to spew their lies which are easily bested with facts that expose their sick and pathetic lies and deceptions which is why they DE platform you. It's sad that we have sell out's but they can be easily toppled. Never let the globalists get away with such violence as mandatory jabs (of which they lie calling them vaccines of which never vaccinate you from the virus to begin with and let's not forget Sept 10 2021 the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with their rubbish to try and hide the fact that if you can still get the virus after the jab it was never a vaccine to begin with) because being stabbed against your will is violence and throughout history violence is countered with violence to try and protect one's own or the many. I am not an advocate for violence as 21 years as Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist in the making has already revealed but if you are going to threaten the citizens of Canada with violence, I can't blame the citizens of Canada for seeing heads literally roll for this! These globalists are selfish, greedy, ignorant, compulsive, obsessive lying scum! Never give up the good fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
778 Cannon St. E.
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Having scanned over your post I have a few suggestions/statements.

1) what do you expect if you live where you do?
I once walked out of a Ti-Cat game when I was 15 and a gang of teenagers beat the shit out of me and my friend.
Not for money - for fun.

That part of Hamilton is fucked up...everyone knew it (it least it was when I still lived in Burlington).

2) I highly doubt the Hamilton Police are run by Russians.
More likely the cops in that part of town are extremely jaded because of all the shit that goes on there.

3) Move to the mountain...your problems will probably end.

4) If Sarah is not pressing charges - leave it alone.
It is (theoretically) nice what you did.
But it is her life - not yours.

Good luck.
Having scanned over your post I have a few suggestions/statements.

1) what do you expect if you live where you do?
I once walked out of a Ti-Cat game when I was 15 and a gang of teenagers beat the shit out of me and my friend.
Not for money - for fun.

That part of Hamilton is fucked up...everyone knew it (it least it was when I still lived in Burlington).

2) I highly doubt the Hamilton Police are run by Russians.
More likely the cops in that part of town are extremely jaded because of all the shit that goes on there.

3) Move to the mountain...your problems will probably end.

4) If Sarah is not pressing charges - leave it alone.
It is (theoretically) nice what you did.
But it is her life - not yours.

Good luck.

Yes it is her life and after what happened she is likely terrified to report such. It will haunt me likely for the rest of my life. BTW I got the fuck out of that place even though this months rent was paid and I have last months rent paid, I couldn't stand even one more night living in a house with such low life scum bags among humans let alone in the house I lived. I am leaning more towards these globalist fucks toying with me because the so called friend who referred me to this place was on my official contact list for years thus was detectable for infiltration. (been in contacted with Federal, provincial and territorial officials of Canada since 2000) I shared the story with officials and publicly about falling in love with Sarah March 12 2021 and later running into her etc. so they could have found her as she suddenly started showing up at the house I lived and hanging out with those scum bags. If federal, provincial and municipal elected and appointed officials can be turned to globalist shills, what makes anyone think that the police force can't be easily infiltrated as well?!

I suspect that the Russians could be a possibility (as well part of the globalist narrative) especially with what is going on in Ukraine and Canada bolstering them up a little recently. Putin walked by me and said hey on the Bruce Trail a couple of years ago, I said hey back of which was not long after their previous confrontation with Ukraine of which I contacted him and other leaders on the matter. (been in contact with even tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries over the course of a half of a decade in recent years on several occasions)

Yeah, there are those types of assholes who attack people for fun pretty much everywhere these days especially if you look vulnerable so being 50 I still work out to assist with evading being targeted myself. Me at 50 last year


I am a little heavier now with more muscle but turning 51 in less than 2 weeks. Thanks for your suggestions.
Last edited:
Having scanned over your post I have a few suggestions/statements.

1) what do you expect if you live where you do?
I once walked out of a Ti-Cat game when I was 15 and a gang of teenagers beat the shit out of me and my friend.
Not for money - for fun.

That part of Hamilton is fucked up...everyone knew it (it least it was when I still lived in Burlington).

2) I highly doubt the Hamilton Police are run by Russians.
More likely the cops in that part of town are extremely jaded because of all the shit that goes on there.

3) Move to the mountain...your problems will probably end.

4) If Sarah is not pressing charges - leave it alone.
It is (theoretically) nice what you did.
But it is her life - not yours.

Good luck.

What really gets me though is not even knowing if she is still alive ...
What really gets me though is not even knowing if she is still alive ...

My guess is that one day you will find out one way or another.

If what you told us is accurate?
Your compassion does you credit.
But I fear you are expending it on people living dark lives in a dark place.
Where all they care about is themselves at that moment.

As a former crack addict?
I HAD to learn that if I was dying on the floor?
The odds of people I was with calling an ambulance to save me were not good...unless there was something in it for them.
That was just the reality of the situation.
