What is it like to work at Media Matters?


Staff member
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwhPi5FoIEo"]YouTube- Red Eye Robot Theater: Media Matters for America[/ame]
I'm so confused! I wanted to rep Damo for his spot on thread, then read the others and now I'm feeling a tug, because of the well thought out arguments against Damo's pov. So convince me.
What's wrong with conservatives? Why was the part of their brain that processes humor removed? We need to remove the rest of it.

Even though I'm a radical, not a conservative, I though the video was hilarious. Nothing wrong with my sense of humor.
I'm so confused! I wanted to rep Damo for his spot on thread, then read the others and now I'm feeling a tug, because of the well thought out arguments against Damo's pov. So convince me.
I had a point of view?
keeping track of the lies the fright wing media and its cohorts spouts is a tuff fucking job.

It just amazes me that you cap on people who point out obvious lies and piuts up the tape so everyone can see.

Just like there is very little humor on the right there is very little they can do to combat their own inability to recreate what media matters does with a right wing alternative. Not enough material comes from the left.
hahahahah, mediamatters points out the LIES of right wing media...oh I laugh
they have been nothing but a glorified SMEAR machine for the Democrats-Commies, funded with Soros and other rich Commie money...

the more people who find this out the better..
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hahahahah, mediamatters points out the LIES of right wing media...oh I laugh
they have been nothing but a glorified SMEAR machine for the Democrats-Commies, funded with Soros and other rich Commie money...

the more people who find this out the better..

Persuade me. Pick out any random comment from MM and refute it with facts. And I mean verifiable facts, not RW spin.
Persuade me. Pick out any random comment from MM and refute it with facts. And I mean verifiable facts, not RW spin.

it's been pointed out over and over through out the years, so go do your own investigations.
not that you would really believe any of it if it was pointed out to you.
it's been pointed out over and over through out the years, so go do your own investigations.
not that you would really believe any of it if it was pointed out to you.

No, it hasn't. If I pick out something you'll say I'm spinning, that's why I asked you to do it.