The map is amazing. The statistically stupidest parts of the nation, coincidently just HAPPEN to call every soda by just one brand name. LOLOLOL.
The most liberal, statistically smartest and intelligent, elite areas, call it soda. This makes sense. California, New england, and the liberal parts of florida (miami).
Pop nations are the second tier. Not as dumb as southerners that call lemonade in a can coke, but not as amazing as new england and california either.
you have to love the simpleton southerners that can't learn the names of a half dozen soft drinks. So they just call EVERYTHING coke. It's probably because their tiny brains can only handle so much information, or learn only a certain amount of words. 7up? That's a coke. Lemonade in a can? Coke. Grapecherry root beer? Coke.
I think this small example pretty much sums up the south perfectly.
Interesting, thanks, we call it coke here in this household because it was the only thing my mother consumed, so all soda was coke!
It is a coke. If you want coca cola, it is a Coke.