What is the "Arena of Ideas"?


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What is the "Arena of Ideas"?

Do you know what the arena of ideas is?

It's an imaginary place where every conversation that ever takes place in America is conducted and every idea is judged.

And these conversations go on 24/7/365, in private and public, and by every person who speaks or writes or conveys images and sounds to another.

And it is in that arena where good ideas and not so good ideas are said and heard and evaluated and is either passed on to be shared with others and so forth until the best ideas become popular enough to be chosen for implementation where it is appropriate, or the bad ideas are left to die of disinterest or lack of merit.

The 1st Amendment is what enables the arena of ideas to function.

We must be free to say what's on our minds so that we can always have well vetted ideas which have survived the process in the arena. And so our leaders and the nation is always in the process of improving and choosing the best courses through history.

The Left has short circuited the arena of ideas.

Bad ideas are making their way to becoming bad policies, because of the Left.

And good ideas, also thanks to Leftists, are being sniped at and wounded before they can negate the bad ideas.

And America is making bad choices because bad ideas are surviving the process which free speech is counted on to remove from consideration.

To me, that is the most important reason for free speech.
Rush Limbaugh: The Media Has Abandoned the Arena of Ideas
Feb 15, 2017

RUSH: This is my point. Gina, thank you so much for calling because you’ve helped me to come up with another point. I started the program here by pointing out to you — and I did this for a reason, folks. I wasn’t just, you know, being sentimental. The way I do this job is I come here every day… I’ve earned this microphone. No one gave this to me. I’ve earned this microphone. I use it each day to enter the arena of ideas, and do whatever I can to persuade you to agree with me. I mean, that’s what I’m doing here. I passionately care about things.

I mean, there are many things going on here. I’m trying to attract a crowd, hold a crowd and all that. But when it comes to this kind of stuff, I’m trying to persuade people. I make no bones about it! But that’s all I can do. You still are free to vote. There’s no power over you I have. I don’t even contemplate having power. And that used to be what the media did, too. The media used to work in the arena of ideas. The media used to present the news, and you would read the news, and you would learn what you learned from it.

But that hasn’t been the case for the longest time. The media is no longer… Well, they’re trying to persuade, but now the media has even abandoned the arena of ideas and they’ve joined with a political party, and the media is not about the arena of ideas. The media is not about persuading. The media is about overcoming the will of the people. The media has joined forces with the Democrat Party, members of the Democrat Party, and the extreme radical left in the United States to advance the extreme radical leftist agenda. I don’t have that kind of power.
What is the "Arena of Ideas"?

Do you know what the arena of ideas is?

It's an imaginary place where every conversation that ever takes place in America is conducted and every idea is judged.

And these conversations go on 24/7/365, in private and public, and by every person who speaks or writes or conveys images and sounds to another.

And it is in that arena where good ideas and not so good ideas are said and heard and evaluated and is either passed on to be shared with others and so forth until the best ideas become popular enough to be chosen for implementation where it is appropriate, or the bad ideas are left to die of disinterest or lack of merit.

The 1st Amendment is what enables the arena of ideas to function.

We must be free to say what's on our minds so that we can always have well vetted ideas which have survived the process in the arena. And so our leaders and the nation is always in the process of improving and choosing the best courses through history.

The Left has short circuited the arena of ideas.

Bad ideas are making their way to becoming bad policies, because of the Left.

And good ideas, also thanks to Leftists, are being sniped at and wounded before they can negate the bad ideas.

And America is making bad choices because bad ideas are surviving the process which free speech is counted on to remove from consideration.

To me, that is the most important reason for free speech.

The left has demolished the "arena of ideas". The absolute best example of that is how they respond when a black votes for a republican. The Congressional black caucus refused admission to a black conservative congressman. From what I can see the left is about ideas but not about opposing ideas and I gave 2 perfect examples.
The left has demolished the "arena of ideas". The absolute best example of that is how they respond when a black votes for a republican. The Congressional black caucus refused admission to a black conservative congressman. From what I can see the left is about ideas but not about opposing ideas and I gave 2 perfect examples.

Great example!

They have their "'tongues' on the scale"* to make their speech and their ideas crowd out or drown out or cause opposing speech and ideas to cower due to fear oif physical reprisals or in deference to political correctness.

* Thumb on the scale


If you put your thumb on the scales, you try to influence the result of something in your favour.

A method of deception or manipulation that creates an unfair advantage for the swindler, likened to a merchant holding a thumb on the scale when weighing goods for sale, therefore increasing the weight and price.
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There is a very easy way to tell when leftists are lying. Their lips are moving.

Yeah, but they have adapted to our getting wise to their dishonesty by skillfully blending just enough truthiness in with their lies so that we can't easily paint them as liars all the time like we could for a long while.

It's like in the earliest days of WWII Nazi subs used to hang out within visual distance of NYC and at night, they would easily target merchant ships headed for England by looking at the brightly lit NYC skyline and any ships sailing in front of the lights would be silhouetted.

Eventually, the government was able to inform the citizenry how important night time light security measures were.

And so, the U-boats had to adapt to the reality that their prey would be harder to spot, but they devised new tactics to continue to prey on the brave men who sought to keep GB from falling prey to the silent and invisible hunter's threatening to literally strangle and starve England into capitulation.

We can no longer convince the uninformed that we are giving them credible information when we say the Left ALWAYS lies when those who are new to the idea that the Left is America's enemy, recognize that the Left now often says things which are demonstrably true. They mix the truth and lies to attack US and they do it so skillfully now, that the uninformed can't discern truth from lies.

It might be time to retire that once useful and humorous rule of thumb.

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Every time you learn that some media "fact" turns out not to be true at all, you are seeing evidence that the Left had put their thumbs or tongues on the scale in the arena of ideas.

Hydrochloroquine was supposed to be bad.

But now we see that they only pushed that false belief because they wanted to make Trump look bad.

The Leftist media also pushed the idea that Trump called Georgia trying to influence the outcome of the 2020 vote and we now learn it wasn't true.

The Left was all over Trump for clearing out the park to hold up a copy of the Bible when civilian violence broke out, and we now realize that was a lie.

The Leftist media told us that Trump called all Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, when he didn't.

The Left told us that Trump was making fun of the handicapped reporter when he wasn't.

They told us that Trump called the neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville protest, 'fine people,' when he clearly didn't.

The Left's tongue has been on the scale so much and so egregiously that we no longer get upset about it. We just accept it and the Libs and Leftists encourage it.
When it comes to the Democratic Party of the Jackass, it's more like "Arena of FAILURES." ;)

But they are just skillful enough to win just enough and just deceptive enough to prevent the general public from realizing how much failingness they create or stumble into.

The way they demonized and discredited Trump and Rush is the level of effort we must match or the level of educating we must exceed, but instead of dishonestly like they did and do, we must do it honestly, to reveal to the public just how inept, dim witted and deceptive and dishonest they are before the mid term election.
It's something the left cannot compete in.

That's why they try to shut it down.



It's just what they do without thinking anymore.

The Dems should be called, "The Cheater's Party."


It's just what they do without thinking anymore.

The Dems should be called, "The Cheater's Party."

Indeed, their tawdry history is replete with examples of the perfidy you describe.

From Andy Jackson's spoils system, to their bloody insurrection of 1861, to the Klan and Jim Crow, to the Tammany Hall corruption, to the election thefts of 1960 and 2020, their innate inability to compete in the arena of ideas runs through the history of the republic like an open sewer.
Indeed, their tawdry history is replete with examples of the perfidy you describe.

From Andy Jackson's spoils system, to their bloody insurrection of 1861, to the Klan and Jim Crow, to the Tammany Hall corruption, to the election thefts of 1960 and 2020, their innate inability to compete in the arena of ideas runs through the history of the republic like an open sewer.

Why is there no icon on your post which permits my giving your post a "Thanks"?