What is the best order on the internet Fruit Cake?

It's very yummy...but super expensive to ship, I see... You said to elaborate...I guess I thought you meant a link...

"Its very yummy"......one chef to another chef this is the best you have on offer?

I thought you cared about me!
"Its very yummy"......one chef to another chef this is the best you have on offer?

I thought you cared about me!
If you enjoy fruitcake, you would appreciate this well made, small batch cake with lovely fruit and nuts....I can kill a half pound...but I've not had any in a few years, so I hope it's still high quality....
If you really love fruitcake, you'd make your own...you had to know that was coming...;) That's all I've got....
If you enjoy fruitcake, you would appreciate this well made, small batch cake with lovely fruit and nuts....I can kill a half pound...but I've not had any in a few years, so I hope it's still high quality....
If you really love fruitcake, you'd make your own...you had to know that was coming...;) That's all I've got....

Ya, figured....

I have not done the family recipes in several years, there is a light with no rum non alcohol flavoring and a dark with....heavy on the golden raisins and the light also is heavy on the pineapple.

I am not going to do that this year, too much work and not enough places to gift it....I need to buy some....and I want the best.
Ya, figured....

I have not done the family recipes in several years, there is a light with no rum non alcohol flavoring and a dark with....heavy on the golden raisins and the light also is heavy on the pineapple.

I am not going to do that this year, too much work and not enough places to gift it....I need to buy some....and I want the best.
I think Claxton's is the only one we've ever bought...and we bought it often....the one pounders were kind of traditional...
We do fruitcake bar cookies every year...we use brandy...
I think Claxton's is the only one we've ever bought...and we bought it often....the one pounders were kind of traditional...
We do fruitcake bar cookies every year...we use brandy...

I am pretty sure my Grandparents upon their death could list every single time in their life that they used alcohol....to say that they did not believe in it would be an understatement.