What is the Difference Between Myself and An Overflowing Toilet?


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What is the Difference Between Trump and An Overflowing Toilet?

You tell me.
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In theory, a overflowing toilet stops overflowing at some point.

When someone shuts it off, as Twitter and Facebook have with this over-runner. If other outlets did the same the world would be a saner and cleaner place.
In theory, a overflowing toilet stops overflowing at some point.


I wonder which idiot mod changed the thread title.
I don't believe that I participated on this thread,
but I remember what was originally there.
Was I not supposed to?
You certainly have that in common at least. Everytime you open your trap a tsunami of shit shoots out!

Here you are firing off at me, and if I fire back at you, you will have a temper tantrum and than you will pout, so why start this??????????????????
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