APP - What is the difference?

The only difference is kinda subtle. Some people just want to work here and going through the legal process is difficult and time consuming so they'd rather live for a while (illegally?) then ever try to immigrate. In truth there is little difference and only the negative connotations of the word 'illegal' are why it is often replaced with undocumented.

Well we wouldn't want them to feel badly about breaking our laws now would we?

I guess if you want to work here you should be able to no matter what.

You know I am always amazed to hear the left bemoan the need to raise the minimum wage because you know the poor don't make enough according to the left. Yet, those same people on the left seem to have no problem with letting in a steady stream of poorly educated, low skilled workers that only serve to drive down existing wages by creating a glut of supply at the lower end of the pay scale.

It is almost as if the law of supply and demand ceases to exist in the liberal brain