He's like a bored child. He has to read a speech which he doesn't want to do so he goes through the motions. Heck, even Reagan didn't like doing all of his speeches but he did them with zest and gusto. Trump reads them like a 7 year old reading an apology to his neighbor for breaking a sprinkler.
He reads through it at a normal, but monotone pace which indicates he's trying to get it correct but still doesn't give a shit about it. Because of this, he sometimes misreads words as we all do. His difference is that he doesn't self-correct, he just blows right on past it like airports were part of history. That's a form of behavior characteristic of Trump, but unusual for most people.
The real irony is that Trump used to go into a frenzy bitching and whining about Obama's use of teleprompters at his campaign stops.
We have a teleprompter president. We can't have that. We need somebody. We need somebody that could do the job.
No shit, Mr. President, no shit.