What is the most pathetic type of human being?

those that appeal to the state for protection and safety at all costs and through all means and then bitch about the manner in which it is provided.
Scared people who glom onto the thoughts, lies, and power structure of totalitarians to fill the hole inside themselves.

Love that cartoon. I've had students like that, I think, the ones who didn't realize they'd have to take statistics as part of their degree requirements, and who thought they couldn't do (gasp!) math. Some of them changed their minds.
Those who prey on weaker people and then whine when they are either preyed upon or caught.
Triple A minor league baseball players. So close to being in the show but making less then a janitor....how pathetic.

Next would be hazmat managers. What sort of pathetic mother fucker works with hazardous waste for a living?
Triple A minor league baseball players. So close to being in the show but making less then a janitor....how pathetic.

Next would be hazmat managers. What sort of pathetic mother fucker works with hazardous waste for a living?

People who like earning large sums of money.

And to answer the question, I'd say pessimists. They're so mad at the world they have no hope. Or Ohioans.
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