What is the perfect temp for your house?

I don't have such a limited operating temperature range.
Anything from 65 to 85° F is perfectly acceptable.

Much beyond those metrics, we go to heat or air.
68? God that's cold...

Ours is at 78 in the summer and 75 in the winter. If you set things lower in the summer you get a nasty shock going outdoors on hot days, and 75 means most of the time the heat doesn't run in the winter.
68? God that's cold...

Ours is at 78 in the summer and 75 in the winter. If you set things lower in the summer you get a nasty shock going outdoors on hot days, and 75 means most of the time the heat doesn't run in the winter.
Wife and I both have medical conditions that makes heat a problem, and we have two Newfoundlands...which have double coats.
I could be happy with 80ºF year round.
O. M. G.

My brother in Corpus keeps his house at 78....no way no how unless I have a place to cool down....for instance he just last summer put in a pool.....A few years ago I went at the start of May and was pretty miserable..
I did a little look around....I think the minders want us at 68 in the winter and 78 in the summer.
Well, they are trying to get us to put in "smart" thermostats that they can control remotely...

The People's Autocratic Despotry of California already mandates their installation in all new construction...
O. M. G.

My brother in Corpus keeps his house at 78....no way no how unless I have a place to cool down....for instance he just last summer put in a pool.....A few years ago I went at the start of May and was pretty miserable..
That would be tougher in a high humidity climate. Phoenix doesn't get that humid even in the monsoon season.
Well, they are trying to get us to put in "smart" thermostats that they can control remotely...

The People's Autocratic Despotry of California already mandates their installation in all new construction...
Ya, and if I am not mistaken the plan is that the government overlords intend to decide remotely what we are allowed to have our houses set at......certainly evaluation of social credit score will be involved, as well as carbon credit points.
TRUE...I lived at Ft Huachuca for three years...we had swamp coolers then but they all got removed to save water....they use AC now.
Well Ft Huachuca / Sorry Gulch (aka Sierra Vista) are about 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix so a swamp cooler works great there like 90% of the year. But A/C units have become far more energy efficient to the point where even a high efficiency Mastercool doesn't save you money anymore.
In a related matter smart water gas and electric meters are being installed nationwide for 24/7 monitoring of our usage, and to allow easy constriction and shut off if the Regime decides they want to hurt us.
Well Ft Huachuca / Sorry Gulch (aka Sierra Vista) are about 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix so a swamp cooler works great there like 90% of the year. But A/C units have become far more energy efficient to the point where even a high efficiency Mastercool doesn't save you money anymore.
And there is the water shortage problem....they were going hard on that in the Sierra Vista area even 20 years ago.