What Is The Wrong Side Of History Being Made From Now On?


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Standing the ground of what people choose to believe possible socially corrupting each replacement so far or standing up in the time life is reproductively centered as eternally reproductively separating lifetimes of ancestries so far including the 7.8 billion currently timed apart now?

whom will care if this species brings itself to self extinction regardless which rotation of the planet counted or revolution orbiting the star? Life went on before homo sapiens play time lords and life will continue after homo sapiens don't exist anymore as explained in my first paragraph the simple compounding how and why.

Everyone loves brevity and simplicity, so here it is, each person's choice. Correct human error or don't, I can't stop everyone ignoring life only works as reproductions exist timed apart now.

Adapt or become extinct equally applied. Anyone want to discuss personal responsibility now?
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