APP - what is wrong with these kids

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
two teenagers 14 & 17 shoot mother after she tells them she has no money and then kill her 13 month old child

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Two teenagers were arrested on Friday in the fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy as his mother was pushing his stroller down the street in a coastal Georgia town, police said.
The child's mother said the baby was shot with a handgun while she was walking along a Brunswick street on Thursday morning, according to Todd Rhodes, Brunswick police spokesman.
Police arrested two boys, ages 17 and 14, on first-degree murder charges, said Rhodes. He would not comment on which of the two suspects was the shooter.
"That's what we're trying to determine," he said.
Officers went door to door in area neighborhoods on Friday looking for the suspects, he said.
The baby's mother was shot in the leg in the attack and was treated and released from a local hospital, Rhodes said.
In an interview with Jacksonville television station WAWS, the mother, identified as Sherry West, said that just before the shooting, the older boy told her: "I'm going to kill you, if you don't give me money."
West responded that she didn't have any money, and then "I put my arms over my baby, and he shoves me and then he shot my baby right in the head."
Earlier on Friday, Rhodes said police were still trying to establish a motive for the shooting.
(Reporting by David Beasley; Editing by Colleen Jenkins, Bernadette Baum, L Gevirtz and Gunna Dickson)
He would not comment on which of the two suspects was the shooter.
"That's what we're trying to determine," he said.
to hell with them. charge them as adults, both with capital murder, and throw them away for the rest of their life.