What is wrong with us?

I was reading the thread titled “Obama's science czar is an admitted, self-defined neo-malthusian" and clicked on the link http://www.exohuman.com/wordpress/2011/06/elites-plan-for-global-extermination/.

Near the bottom of the page was a photo of a couple making love and the caption read, “What’s wrong with this picture.” I clicked on the link to read the following:

(Excerpt) Shock! Horror!—Right?
Yes it’s an image of a man and woman making love. Something that men and women do all the time. Something that millions of us are doing right now (while you’re reading this) all over the world! If we didn’t make love to each other—like this—we would become extinct. But you’re shocked—right? Why?

Every day we are assailed with images of death and destruction—photographs of the mangled corpses of dead children in Iraq or Afghanistan, scenes of carnage in Gaza or Libya—yet no one writes in to complain. Somehow it’s okay. We flick through the Rolling Stone ‘Kill Team’ images, Abu Ghraib torture scenes, Iraqi DU victims—with barely a comment. We are immune, unshockable, by the never-ending images of death and the evidence of man’s inhumanity to man.

But what would happen if we saw "this" picture—this innocent, intimate scene—in our Daily News? We know what would happen. The phones of outrage would be ringing off their hooks, children would be clasped to bosoms and the religious right would be setting themselves on fire in apoplexy. Why?

Why are sex and violence always linked? What is the link? IS there a link? Why do we use sexual words as insults? Why do we need to be warned about ‘sexual content’? Why has every authority back through the ages, religious and secular, tried to control, limit or even outlaw sex? Why?

The question we should be asking is not “What’s wrong with this picture?”
The question we should be asking is “What is wrong with us?” (End)

According to the rules here I can’t post the picture nor the link, however, for those interested it can be found on the exohuman.com site followed by a simple search once there.

Considering there is always one sexual scandal or another in the news I felt it’s time to explore the question, “What is wrong with us?”

After showing the bleeding, beaten body of a prisoner at Abu Ghraib the article concludes with, "We are encouraged to accept and embrace pictures of death, depravity and degradation, yet the image of a man’s humble penis is somehow in a different league, a step too far, an image guaranteed to threaten and undermine the very fabric of our society!”

So, I put to the forum, “What is wrong with us?”
I was reading the thread titled “Obama's science czar is an admitted, self-defined neo-malthusian" and clicked on the link http://www.exohuman.com/wordpress/2011/06/elites-plan-for-global-extermination/.

Near the bottom of the page was a photo of a couple making love and the caption read, “What’s wrong with this picture.” I clicked on the link to read the following:

(Excerpt) Shock! Horror!—Right?
Yes it’s an image of a man and woman making love. Something that men and women do all the time. Something that millions of us are doing right now (while you’re reading this) all over the world! If we didn’t make love to each other—like this—we would become extinct. But you’re shocked—right? Why?

Every day we are assailed with images of death and destruction—photographs of the mangled corpses of dead children in Iraq or Afghanistan, scenes of carnage in Gaza or Libya—yet no one writes in to complain. Somehow it’s okay. We flick through the Rolling Stone ‘Kill Team’ images, Abu Ghraib torture scenes, Iraqi DU victims—with barely a comment. We are immune, unshockable, by the never-ending images of death and the evidence of man’s inhumanity to man.

But what would happen if we saw "this" picture—this innocent, intimate scene—in our Daily News? We know what would happen. The phones of outrage would be ringing off their hooks, children would be clasped to bosoms and the religious right would be setting themselves on fire in apoplexy. Why?

Why are sex and violence always linked? What is the link? IS there a link? Why do we use sexual words as insults? Why do we need to be warned about ‘sexual content’? Why has every authority back through the ages, religious and secular, tried to control, limit or even outlaw sex? Why?

The question we should be asking is not “What’s wrong with this picture?”
The question we should be asking is “What is wrong with us?” (End)

According to the rules here I can’t post the picture nor the link, however, for those interested it can be found on the exohuman.com site followed by a simple search once there.

Considering there is always one sexual scandal or another in the news I felt it’s time to explore the question, “What is wrong with us?”

After showing the bleeding, beaten body of a prisoner at Abu Ghraib the article concludes with, "We are encouraged to accept and embrace pictures of death, depravity and degradation, yet the image of a man’s humble penis is somehow in a different league, a step too far, an image guaranteed to threaten and undermine the very fabric of our society!”

So, I put to the forum, “What is wrong with us?”

Ah, the eternal question.
Last year (I think) a motorcycle and a taxi (I think) crashed on a highway going to the border. Just about every local paper had pictures of a severed head and graphic diagrams to show how far it had rolled/been flung. Before they put men's mags in plazzy bags we had a team of brain-deads who went through every copy of every mag sticking little black discs over nipples and still we have instances where someone in a TV studio pixelates (is that the right term?) a cleavage from a European period drama.
You think YOU have double standards?
Thankfully, we seem to prefer following the example of our European brothers and sisters, rather than our Americunian cousins, with regard to sexual imagery on the telly. Even though some newspapers (yes, i'm looking at you the Daily Mail) do tend to harp on about children being corrupted by nipples on late night BBC2 documentaries while posting endless pictures of Pippa Middletons shapely buttocks in their spiteful pages.

I remember what it was like all those years ago, when the internets was just a glint in Al Gores eye, having to resort to sitting through two and a half hours of a subtitled French drama, featuring various moody women smoking a lot and looking miserable, just to see a brief glimpse of a fat lady's flaps. Not like nowadays in this brave new world of multi-media flaps on demand...in 3D. I'm never going back to that dark place again.

America...i commiserate with you, living as you are in the austere televisual world of early 1980s Britain.