Cancel 2020.2
My final prediction is Donald J. Trump will be re-elected, by winning 32 states and 320 Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden's 218. It SHOULD be a very exciting day, to say the least.
Interesting ban list you have there, Steven.
What is your final prediction for the Presidential Election on November 3rd?
Misery and disappointment. Same as every other day in our collective future.
I predict half the people in the country will be unhappy with the outcome......
But WHO did you think is going to win?
You didn't give me a winner OR numbers. Shame on you! And you CALL yourself a STAFF member on here? I DON'T think your mama would approve.........................
My final prediction is Donald J. Trump will be re-elected, by winning 32 states and 320 Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden's 218. It SHOULD be a very exciting day, to say the least.
My final prediction is Donald J. Trump will be re-elected, by winning 32 states and 320 Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden's 218. It SHOULD be a very exciting day, to say the least.
I predict massive lefty scandal and corruption.
Too early for a final prediction, but I respect that you have to balls to make one.
Too early for a final prediction, but I respect that you have to balls to make one.
Yep, there WILL be that, unfortunately. But I truly believe that despite all the cheating that WILL be going on by the Left, Donald J. Trump will win at LEAST 32 states AND will receive at LEAST 320 Electoral College Votes.
Waiting to get the answer first isn't really a prediction, it is the lefty instinct to cheat.
Yep. Remember this, Ev, like virtually ALL of the Lefties that post on these threads, Jarod IS a bit dim. I.Q. MAYBE 85-90.
Waiting to get the answer first isn't really a prediction, it is the lefty instinct to cheat.