What is your final prediction for the Presidential Election on November 3rd?

My final prediction is Donald J. Trump will be re-elected, by winning 32 states and 320 Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden's 218. It SHOULD be a very exciting day, to say the least.
I think Donald Trump and Joe Biden will end up with 269 delegates and tie- THEN NANCY WILL RALLY HER TROOPS IN THE HOUSE AND SELECT JOE BIDEN AS PRESIDENT!

OK, probably won't happen like that- BUT I WISH IT WOULD! LOL

Interesting ban list you have there, Steven.

It IS nice, isn't it?;) So what's your final prediction for the election? Don't be a yellow-bellied coward like the liberals that post on these threads. What IS your prediction, tough guy? (And I mean that in a good way.)
I predict half the people in the country will be unhappy with the outcome......

THAT'S a good prediction. But WHO did you think is going to win? Don't be a coward, please let us know. Thank you, and THANK GOD our country IS going to be OK, no matter what happens on November 3rd. My faith in God has grown stronger this last month and a half, in my struggle to adjust to having diabetes. I pray several times a day for guidance and peace of mind. God has NOT let me down. I've literally been feeling stronger and better each day these last few weeks. My strong faith in God has undoubtedly helped with this. I truly hope YOU'RE at peace, as well.
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But WHO did you think is going to win?

no idea......the state by state numbers in the battleground states have been unchanged for weeks and weeks now.....what people are SAYING gives Biden the edge.......but when you look at campaign events with Trump drawing a thousand supporters for every one Biden draws, it makes you wonder if demmycrats will actually go out and vote.......sure, early voting is massive, but does that mean the total will be higher or is it merely spread out over a longer period of time.......Hilliary could not sustain the minority vote in Michigan and Pennsylvania as well as Obama did and Biden is rating lower in that demograpic than Hilliary did.....Biden will not win Michigan unless Wayne County turns out 150,000 more votes than it did in 16........maybe Trump will ride on the coattails of James who could be the first black senator from Michigan and the first Republican senator from Michigan in over fifty years........
My final prediction is Donald J. Trump will be re-elected, by winning 32 states and 320 Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden's 218. It SHOULD be a very exciting day, to say the least.

Too early for a final prediction, but I respect that you have to balls to make one.
I predict massive lefty scandal and corruption.

Yep, there WILL be that, unfortunately. But I truly believe that despite all the cheating that WILL be going on by the Left, Donald J. Trump will win at LEAST 32 states AND will receive at LEAST 320 Electoral College Votes.
Yep, there WILL be that, unfortunately. But I truly believe that despite all the cheating that WILL be going on by the Left, Donald J. Trump will win at LEAST 32 states AND will receive at LEAST 320 Electoral College Votes.

I sure hope so. I don't have any quantitative predictions, but I predict a contested Trump victory.
Waiting to get the answer first isn't really a prediction, it is the lefty instinct to cheat.

If you predict after the winner has been decided, you are correct. I wont do that. I have made projections based on the current polls, but we need more data to make a final prediction. Trump could have a massive coronary at the debate tonight for all we know.