What is your "purpose?"

I read the threads here day after day, and it's always the same people, making the same arguments or bashing the same things, over and over. There is very little in the way of innovative thinking or bold exploration of new horizons. It's typically the same old, same old, day in and day out.

I am curious as to why this phenomenon continues, even though it never results in any tangible benefit that I am aware of. If there were some evidence that people are being persuaded or minds are being changed by the rhetorical postings, it would make sense, but that isn't the case. It seems fairly clear, that not one soul will read the latest ramblings and change their minds, or come to any better understanding of anything. So why do you bother? What is the purpose of all this waste of human energy and time? You would literally accomplish more by cleaning your toilet, than posting another "I HATE BUSH" thread.

Yet, we keep seeing the same exact people, posting the same exact threads, about the same exact topics, with the same exact views they posted yesterday, the day before, and the day before that. It makes no sense, unless there is some 'therapeutic' element I am not aware of. It's the intellectual equivalent of beating your head against a brick wall, isn't it? Seems like one would eventually tire of repeating the rhetoric, and move on with life. Apparently, there are many here who simply have no life, and for whatever reason, think their postings here make some great difference in the scope of the world. As if, they can post just one more anti-religious or anti-conservative rant, and everyone will simply drop their viewpoints and humbly bow at the alter of Atheist Socialism.

Guess what? That ain't going to happen. In the end, you will have wasted an enormous amount of your life, typing shit that didn't make a bit of difference to anyone or to anything. Perhaps it is a way of 'networking' for some? They can post a rant and receive support from someone else, and feel they are not alone in their idiotic principles and ideas? Sort of a "support group" thing. There has to be some logical explanation for why humans would spend so much of their time to accomplish so very little. Just wondering what that may be.
I read the threads here day after day, and it's always the same people, making the same arguments or bashing the same things, over and over. ......

I am curious as to why this phenomenon continues, even though it never results in any tangible benefit that I am aware of. If there were some evidence that people are being persuaded or minds are being changed by the rhetorical postings, it would make sense, but that isn't the case.


Are you fcking kidding me?

Bashing Bush, humiliating you, and calling out the morally corrupt GOP has not only been wildly hilarious, it has had tangible and entertaining results.

The label "republican" or bush voter is now considered such an embarrassment, that hardly anybody outside you, superfreak, bravo and damocles will admit to being a proud republican partisans. That's a 180 degree change from the politics.com days. No Bush voter even admits to liking Bush anymore. They're so busy running for cover, they will barely even admit to wanting to vote for McCain. Even you dixie: two years after you wrote your infamous love letter to Bush, even you are reduced to claiming that you never really liked him that much. And for christ sake, how many Bush voters from the 2000 campaign suddenly became Libertarians, or "independent conservatives" in the last few years?

Your practically the only person on the board who still loves the Iraq War. With the exception of Bravo and Superfreak, your conservative chimpanzees have almost all gone underground with their love for the Iraq War. And there's not a Con on the board who will defend Bush's economic stewardship. Al Gore was right about the fuzzy math, huh?
At least I am consistant.

Bush Sucked,
Bush sucks,
And he will suck.

Yes, but what is the point and purpose of coming here every day and spending every moment of your life to post that opinion? It would seem more 'important' to go spray graffiti on the local overpass. I mean, we get it already! We understand you think Bush sucks, but what do you want us to do about it? We can throw a Bush Sux party if it would make you feel better, or we could all go jump off a bridge or something, if there was any evidence that would make Bush suck less, but I really fail to see the point of the incessant rhetoric, particularly regarding Bush, a man who is one of the two Americans who can never run for president again.

You will recall how vehement the opposition to Bill Clinton was, but you don't see Republicans breaking their necks to get online each day to post a flurry of threads denouncing Clinton and his policies anymore, because it is irrelevant now, and so is he. There would be no fundamental purpose in Clinton-bashing now, and it would be an enormous waste of time because no one really cares anymore. Yeah, you'll see a mention of Clinton policy now and then, in relative context to various topics of debate, but you don't see non-stop parades of threads specifically designed and posted to voice an opinion about Bill Clinton. It doesn't matter how much some Neocon might post that Bill Clinton was disgraceful to the office of the presidency, or a heel, cad, sleazball, slimeball, philanderer, adulterer, or anything else. It simply is a waste of time to make such charges now. Those who supported Clinton, can't retroactively change their votes, we can't erase him from the history books or pretend he wasn't president.

This is why I am posting this question. I wonder what the purpose is. Why do we continue to see a non-stop barrage of threads bashing Bush, as if Bush is somehow a threat to Democrats, or any political party now. I realize "hate" can make you do strange things, but to defy rationality, that has to be some pretty strong hate going on there.
I heard a new rightwing spin term today, Obamanomics. Trying to project their own failures on their opponent.
Yes, but what is the point and purpose of coming here every day and spending every moment of your life to post that opinion?

I do not spend every moment of my life posting my opinion on here.

I do so enjoy rubbing it in though that I was "correct" and you were and still are just partiasanly "right".

right has proven time and agin recently to be wrong.

You bushies have no credibility left. Why do you think you can still offer advise and opinions and expect anyone to take you seriously ?
Are you fcking kidding me?

Bashing Bush, humiliating you, and calling out the morally corrupt GOP has not only been wildly hilarious, it has had tangible and entertaining results.

The label "republican" or bush voter is now considered such an embarrassment, that hardly anybody outside you, superfreak, bravo and damocles will admit to being a proud republican partisans. That's a 180 degree change from the politics.com days. No Bush voter even admits to liking Bush anymore. They're so busy running for cover, they will barely even admit to wanting to vote for McCain. Even you dixie: two years after you wrote your infamous love letter to Bush, even you are reduced to claiming that you never really liked him that much. And for christ sake, how many Bush voters from the 2000 campaign suddenly became Libertarians, or "independent conservatives" in the last few years?

Your practically the only person on the board who still loves the Iraq War. With the exception of Bravo and Superfreak, your conservative chimpanzees have almost all gone underground with their love for the Iraq War. And there's not a Con on the board who will defend Bush's economic stewardship. Al Gore was right about the fuzzy math, huh?

I don't see it that way Prissy, I see that a good many credible and intelligent posters from the past, have simply moved on. Tired of coming here day after day, reading the same tired old shit from you and your pinhead cabal, obviously. You've not changed a thing, other than to run some conservatives off with your loud incessant Bush-bashing and unreasonable tone of rhetoric. If Bush's support has wained, it is because of the actions of George W. Bush, not something some retard reposted 10,000 times on a message board.
Yes, but what is the point and purpose of coming here every day and spending every moment of your life to post that opinion?

I do not spend every moment of my life posting my opinion on here.

I do so enjoy rubbing it in though that I was "correct" and you were and still are just partiasanly "right".

right has proven time and agin recently to be wrong.

You bushies have no credibility left. Why do you think you can still offer advise and opinions and expect anyone to take you seriously ?

You've not been correct about a damn thing. You want to perceive yourself as being correct, but that remains to be seen on a whole host of issues. Your so-called proof comes in the form of more Keith Olberman-style propaganda and conspiracy theories, and this overall banal belief on part of the pinheads, that all of America agrees with you now.

We can still offer advice because we live in America, and we have the right to a voice in the political arena of ideas. You think because Democrats took back congress and a few bogus liberal popularity polls are favorable to you, that you can simply expel us from any further political debate? Not in THIS country, ace.
I was right that we were invading Iraq on bogus reasons.
I was tright thet it would not list 6 days or at most 6 weeks.
I wss right that it eould beocme as quagmirer and we would not be welocomed with open arms and roses thrown in our path.
I knew it would cost over 40 billion.

And my biggest right was that Dixie was wrong., on virtually everything.
I was right that we were invading Iraq on bogus reasons.
I was tright thet it would not list 6 days or at most 6 weeks.
I wss right that it eould beocme as quagmirer and we would not be welocomed with open arms and roses thrown in our path.
I knew it would cost over 40 billion.

And my biggest right was that Dixie was wrong., on virtually everything.

You never proved any reason was bogus.
No one ever predicted how long it would or could last, to my knowledge.
It has never become a "quagmire" that is overblown rhetoric.
No one gives a shit whether we were "welcomed with open arms" and it wasn't the purpose of the war.
It doesn't matter how much it cost, that doesn't make anything right or wrong.

You can think and claim I have been wrong, that is simple to do. Proving it, is another matter all together. That, you can't do, because I haven't been wrong.
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No one ever predicted how long it would or could last, to my knowledge.
It has never become a "quagmire" that is overblown rhetoric.
No one gives a shit whether we were "welcomed with open arms" and it wasn't the purpose of the war.
It doesn't matter how much it cost, that doesn't make anything right or wrong.

You can think and claim I have been wrong, that is simple to do. Proving it, is another matter all together. That, you can't do, because I haven't been wrong.

Dixie has not been wrong. that is just such an absurd statement, that is is beyond rational belief.
I think we're getting to the bottom of this. I am starting to believe it is some kind of pinhead osmosis happening, whereby, pinheads repeat things over and over, denounce and renounce the same people over and over, and eventually succeed in brainwashing themselves into believing the idiocy they spewed, and also believing the majority of America agrees with them, because they see so many rhetorical threads posted day after day.

It's similar to what happened to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, when she wanted to go back home. She was instructed to click her heels and keep repeating 'there's no place like home... there's no place like home...' Pinheads re-posting the same threads about the same pinheaded things, over and over an over, are the equivalent to Dorothy trying to find her way back home. Except the Pinheads have no ruby slippers and no Good Witch Glenda to help them out here.
I not only think you have been wrong I know you have been wrong.

And I will lay 10:1 odds that whatever it is you THINK I was wrong about, you simply misinterpreted or misunderstood. If I ever post something incorrect, and discover that I was wrong, I immediately clarify the mistake and apologize for being wrong. It's not out of the realm of possibility for me to make a mistake and be wrong about something, but it is rare for me to post a thread on something I am wrong about.
And I will lay 10:1 odds that whatever it is you THINK I was wrong about, you simply misinterpreted or misunderstood. If I ever post something incorrect, and discover that I was wrong, I immediately clarify the mistake and apologize for being wrong. It's not out of the realm of possibility for me to make a mistake and be wrong about something, but it is rare for me to post a thread on something I am wrong about.

I though I recalled you saying that bush would cut the government and be fiscally responsible ?