What Issue Are You Most Concerned With Right Now?


Verified User
What Issue Are You Most Concerned With Right Now ? Lots of people would say street crime. Some would include terrorism. For others, it's the national economy. Some would say medical care. Immigration is a big concern because of the millions of jobs it deprives Americans of + the massive amount of $$$ it plunders from the US economy.

Many people have more personal concerns. Some of these are rarely (if ever) talked about, but nevertheless, they are critically important to some people too. State the ONE or TWO (no more) problem(s) you would like to see fixed. The first one that comes to your mind and really worries you. It could be anything. Just be honest.
I'd like to see xenophobia and bigotry decrease. When old white men like you die I will get my wish.

Your ignorance and your vote will die with you.

I hope the last image you have as you croak is my laughter.
I'd like to see xenophobia and bigotry decrease. When old white men like you die I will get my wish.

Your ignorance and your vote will die with you.

I hope the last image you have as you croak is my laughter.

Yeah, it would be nice if we didn't have bigots who hate old people and white people.

As for "ignorance", wanna take my Islamization Quiz ? You could become the highest graded liberal so far. Highest grade so far is 5% (most got zero). All you need is a 6% and you'll be the top liberal. Also, it's a great way to find out how much you don't know.

wisdom smile.jpg

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Think so?

I'm just waiting for you to die.

It's inevitable. I can wait.

HA HA. You've got a long wait. Guess you haven't been doing your medical research lately. With stem cell tech, people are living incredibly long nowadays. That is if they are health concious. In my case, I don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't drink, get lots of exercise, avoid stress.and I haven't used a salt shaker since 1958, when I was too young to know better.

So, I'm figuring going to 150 - 170 years old. I'm not even half way there yet. Hell, I'm young. But I won't go to your funeral. I hate the damn things. thumbsup20.gif
Exploding fascism and racism tearing our nation apart.
It is. And I see it as emanating from the Obama/Sharpton race hustler machine. They send one or two of the race hustlers (Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Lynch. etc) out to cities with black unrest and instigate riots. They take a non-issue (ex. Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Zimmerman) and blow it up into something anti-white or anti-police, and threaten the local politicians with expensive US civil rights lawsuits. That's what they did in Ferguson, which is why the MO gov, Jay Nixon, kept the National Guard away from the rioters.

Likewise, in Baltimore, # 1 attack dog, Al Sharpton got sent by Obama, to put the screws on Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, to arrest 6 perfectly innocent cops, tell the Baltimore cops to stand down (which they did), and make ludicrous statements like "we give them space to destroy", with the whole country watching on the news and saying "HUH ??? "

Obama & Sharpton.jpg Rawlings-Blake-w-Sharpton.jpg

Look at this picture of Sharpton and Stephanie. Wow. She's saying >> "You want me to.......Say whaaat ?" Click on it to see it larger.
The issue I'm most concerned with right now is the screwball way that landlords discriminate in housing rentals. For their own benefit (as well as the prospective renter), they should only check the following >>

1. A 2 year recent housing rental history (did you pay your rents ? yes or no)

2. Your income (being at least $500 above whatever the rent is)

3. A criminal record check (and not everything there should be a disqualifier)

According to anthropologists, housing is the # 1 element of human survival. How it is dealt with, is too important a thing to to left entirely to the whims of landlords (who don't even seem to know what's best for THEMSELVES)
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