What jpp liberals have taught me


Verified User
That its ok for liberals to riot kill commit arson . that its ok for a mob to attack a eldery crippled woman in a wheel chair.
That they want millions of illegals to flood the nation with no jobs no health care no place to live and suck the life out of our nation.

That liberals support perverts of all types openly.
Liberals want more gays and transexuals involved 8n the school system.
Liberals are raciest .
Liberal support thugs and criminals.
Liberals have double standards.
Liberals love to lie and they hate America.
They will suck off iran and china .
They never let a emergency go to waste.
They are racist scum.
They stick together like a street gang of thugs.
That its ok for liberals to riot kill commit arson . that its ok for a mob to attack a eldery crippled woman in a wheel chair.
That they want millions of illegals to flood the nation with no jobs no health care no place to live and suck the life out of our nation.

That liberals support perverts of all types openly.
Liberals want more gays and transexuals involved 8n the school system.
Liberals are raciest .
Liberal support thugs and criminals.
Liberals have double standards.
Liberals love to lie and they hate America.
They will suck off iran and china .
They never let a emergency go to waste.
They are racist scum.
They stick together like a street gang of thugs.

Diagnosis: Severe case of schizophrenia.
That its ok for liberals to riot kill commit arson . that its ok for a mob to attack a eldery crippled woman in a wheel chair.
That they want millions of illegals to flood the nation with no jobs no health care no place to live and suck the life out of our nation.

That liberals support perverts of all types openly.
Liberals want more gays and transexuals involved 8n the school system.
Liberals are raciest .
Liberal support thugs and criminals.
Liberals have double standards.
Liberals love to lie and they hate America.
They will suck off iran and china .
They never let a emergency go to waste.
They are racist scum.
They stick together like a street gang of thugs.

Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. Racist not raceist. Capitalize the first letter of a common name, like a country name. Iran not iran. China not china.

You're welcome.
That its ok for liberals to riot kill commit arson . that its ok for a mob to attack a eldery crippled woman in a wheel chair.
That they want millions of illegals to flood the nation with no jobs no health care no place to live and suck the life out of our nation.

That liberals support perverts of all types openly.
Liberals want more gays and transexuals involved 8n the school system.
Liberals are raciest .
Liberal support thugs and criminals.
Liberals have double standards.
Liberals love to lie and they hate America.
They will suck off iran and china .
They never let a emergency go to waste.
They are racist scum.
They stick together like a street gang of thugs.

Thanks for showing us your inability to learn has been a lifelong affliction as evidenced by your failure to learn the most basic use of the comma while in grade school.
BBBrain didn't ask for a .177" diameter brain.
It's pointless to blame him/her/it.

The person who reads and writes for him/her/it needs to be dealt with, however.
sinTz deadbrain Libruls haf nothng two ad butt speling korrections, they haf nothng to ad, any more.

O, donut ferget they're grate gud grahmer. Thay canut even kapilize a propur nown llike Trump.
maybe if you corrwected biden so he could speak with out fucking up that would help

Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. Maybe not maybe. corrected, not corrwected (are you a baby?). Without is one word not two. Biden not biden. End your sentence with a period.

You're welcome.
Spelling is the order you put the letters in. The correct usage of commas would fall under the heading of grammar.

I realize this attempt to educate you will fail just as all the other attempts to educate you have failed.

Daa if it isnt mr wizard of the spelling police .I know spelling and punctuation and grammar are more important to Democrat then the truth that Biden sucks and democrats are a mixed bag of illegals perverts criminals and radical anti americans .
You guys hate the truth when 8 post it so you attack one of my flaws instead of dealing with the truth.
Biden blows plain and simple and is bad for the nation .
You learned nothing from us and are not capable of learning with your head in ass closed-mindedness.
That its ok for liberals to riot kill commit arson . that its ok for a mob to attack a eldery crippled woman in a wheel chair.
That they want millions of illegals to flood the nation with no jobs no health care no place to live and suck the life out of our nation.

That liberals support perverts of all types openly.
Liberals want more gays and transexuals involved 8n the school system.
Liberals are raciest .
Liberal support thugs and criminals.
Liberals have double standards.
Liberals love to lie and they hate America.
They will suck off iran and china .
They never let a emergency go to waste.
They are racist scum.
They stick together like a street gang of thugs.

That its ok for liberals to riot kill commit arson . that its ok for a mob to attack a eldery crippled woman in a wheel chair.
That they want millions of illegals to flood the nation with no jobs no health care no place to live and suck the life out of our nation.

That liberals support perverts of all types openly.
Liberals want more gays and transexuals involved 8n the school system.
Liberals are raciest .
Liberal support thugs and criminals.
Liberals have double standards.
Liberals love to lie and they hate America.
They will suck off iran and china .
They never let a emergency go to waste.
They are racist scum.
They stick together like a street gang of thugs.

A lot, but your to drunk on the Kool Aid to know it