APP - What Muller's press conference was really about

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Bobby Muller was upset that AG Barr outmaneuvered him after he released his report. After his appointment, Barr told Muller to crap or get off the pot. A little reported aspect of this saga is that when Muller was getting ready to release his report, AG Barr ordered him to redact grand jury testimony before its release so that it would make it easier to release to the public. Barr disobeyed that order and did not redact the information. Muller instead wrote his political summary designed to indict President Trump in the court of public opinion.

But Barr being a former member of The Swamp, knew how the game was played. He knew that if he took the time to redact the portions that couldn't be released, he would open himself and the administration up to accusations of a cover up which is what Muller wanted. But, Barr said "screw that" and released his own accurate summary of Muller's findings. That sent the Deep State into an uproar because they were just outmaneuvered.

Then Barr did something that was unforgivable and caused Muller to have to step in and try to stop. Barr stated that he was going to investigate the investigators. Muller had to do what he could to put a stop to it.

Muller was in DIRECT talks with the democrat party about his potential testimony. Notice that you don't see the democrat party screaming for Muller to testify? Why is that? Because they don't want to expose him to real questions that he doesn't want to answer.

The democrat party in collusion with Bobby Muller came up with this press conference as a way to distract from Barr's investigation of the investigators.

But, President Trump is not without options. He should have Senator Lindsay Graham call Bobby Muller to testify before the Senate. Who cares that Muller says he will only state what is in his report. Force him to avoid the answers. Embarrass him
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