What must I do to be recognized in my rightful place as your lord and eternal master?

Just remember, this is probably going to set off a bidding war between me and God that will ultimate result in the best possible result for you, the spiritual consumer. Capitalism at work.
im not very motivated by eternal paradise, though I may be frightened with eternal punishment. do you have any plans for a super hell?
Alright, I just whipped up an extra special place of torment for grind. And Damo gets 73 highly attractive female sluts in Super Heaven, and as an added bonus, he doesn't even have to martyr himself in my name to attain them.
Super Heaven is to Heaven as the Super Nintendo is to the Nintendo. Don't get stuck in the old 8-bit heaven! Make way for the new 16-bit future.
im not very motivated by eternal paradise, though I may be frightened with eternal punishment. do you have any plans for a super hell?

Enjoy it, that is where all the interesting people will be, can't wait to have a conversation with Ghandi, and a few others!