What Nations do we have represented?


Staff member
Which nations are represented by our membership? I know we have the UK and the US, do we have any Canadians?

I've been thinking of rotating flags as the header/banner for the site...

I could rotate state flags as well, but I think that might get too burdensome.
Really, though, people from other nations are a very small minority. The only other national community here really is the English. We may have a single Candian, if CanadianKid came. Rotating flags is simply pointless. Maybe you could be nation neutral by removing the flag...
I tried that, nobody liked the result. I was thinking of weighting it so that the US flag showed up most often with the others less so. Maybe one with all three and if new nations became represented I would have a need to add more.
Well, you could have every person who signs up give their nationality. Then you could have a 30-day rotational cycle, and to decide which nation gets how many days on the calendar you use this formula:

C = P/2X+1

Where C is the amount of days they get on the calendar, P is the amount of people of each nationality, and X is the amount of days they've already gotten in the calendar. You could refresh this to the current nationality percentages after each 30-day cycle, and change flags as new nations appear and disappear.

But that would be ridiculously complicated, and most people would probably regard us as ridiculous for having such a ludicrously frivolous system of flag rotation.
I'm Canadian. Living and working now in Texas, married to an American from NJ, but still a Canuck. Born and largely raised in Nova Scotia, educated there and in Ontario and Quebec. Postdoctoral work took me over several US cities.
Well, the boards really cover the anglosphere, so why not all the flags.

The Stars and Bars, The Jack and the Maple leaf.

If we get any Aussies onboard we could add a kangeroo or something.....
I'm Canadian. Living and working now in Texas, married to an American from NJ, but still a Canuck. Born and largely raised in Nova Scotia, educated there and in Ontario and Quebec. Postdoctoral work took me over several US cities.
Wow. You learn something new every day. I had no idea, Thorn!
Well, the boards really cover the anglosphere, so why not all the flags.

The Stars and Bars, The Jack and the Maple leaf.

If we get any Aussies onboard we could add a kangeroo or something.....


The "stars and bars" is the confederate flag, Any. I'm pretty sure you aren't an expert on the American civil war, though... do they even talk about it in your textbooks in the UK?

We don't have any other nations besides the UK and America. I don't think we have anyone from Canada. If we wanted to do the entire Anglosphere we'd have to include Australia, New Zeland, and possibly Ireland (although really thay aren't anglos).
Ha. You just haven't heard me say "about" or "sorry". :D Haven't said "eh", though, except in jest, since crossing the border all those years ago.
Dirty Canadians with their floppy heads!

Wow! I'm glad you're here!


Many Americans might get confused, however, if we have a Canadian flag or a UK flag flying on a day they happen to visit. The UK and Candian visitors certainly know what their getting, but the American market is certainly our largest, by at least a 95% degree.