APP - What other rights should those on terror watch list be denied?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The left is lying about what they want to do with the terror watch list. I have been listening to them this morning and they are saying that if they are on the "watch list" they should be denied their 2nd Amendment rights. Well, what other rights do you leftists think they should be denied?

Should the be denied their first amendment right of free speech and assembly? One could argue that if they are on the terror watch list they could use the first amendment to rally others to their cause. Why not take away their cell phone? Computer? Internet access?

Now I know some will say this is hyperbole, but it is not. It is a serious question. The left seems very glib about denying the existence of the 2nd Amendment yet claim that the 1st Amendment is inviolable with regards to allowing muslims into this country. It seems to be a contradiction.

Please do better than "guns kill". That isn't a legitimate argument. I will waive some of my thread bans so you have no excuse for not participating