What President Trump Must Do to Stop China’s Invasion(2)


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Do you think such a plan is too monstrous for someone like Xi Jinping?

Xi Jinping is a Communist. His heroes are Mao, Hitler and Stalin — the three greatest mass murderers in history. Do you see a connecting theme here? Come now! Such a person is easily capable of euthanizing the elderly! Why would he hesitate under the circumstances?

Xi Jinping is not a normal person. He belongs to the ancient Machiavellian traditions of Chinese philosophy. He is steeped in the writings of Sun Tzu and Han Fei-Tzu. These thinkers believed in the ruthless use of force and fraud. They opposed the idea that rulers could be friends. Such an idea, in the Chinese legalist tradition, is criticized as dangerous. Therefore, Xi is not President Trump’s friend.

In 1999 I interviewed a famous Chinese dissident, Harry Wu. He spent 19 years in the Lao Gai camp system. When I asked Wu to describe China’s leaders, he said, “They are murderers.”

How can President Trump be friends with a murderer? Xi Jinping imprisons and executes honest Chinese citizens for telling the truth. And like all murderers, Xi Jinping lies — if only to hide his many crimes.

Xi Jinping’s intelligence services have been using international commerce and corporate deals to infiltrate our political system, steal our technology and undermine our economy. His agents have used money as a carrot and a stick. They have bought politicians. They have corrupted our media. They have entered our research institutes.

President Xi’s agents infest Washington. Some of us think these agents should be driven out. Give us one good reason they should be permitted to stay in our capital? — and give us a reason that is not tainted with cowardice or greed.

Think, now, what is coming. Ask yourself where our relationship with communist China is taking us. Xi Jinping is a follower of Mao Zedong. In 1958 Mao gave his generals a strategic directive. He said: Prepare the People’s Liberation Army for the day when Chinese troops will land in Manila and San Francisco.

This directive is still in effect. How do we know? Because China has built an amphibious fleet with a six thousand mile range. This is exactly the range needed to land Chinese troops on the U.S. West coast — in San Francisco. Two divisions have been prepared for an immediate landing (to secure port facilities). Does anyone think Xi needed amphibious transports with a six thousand mile range to invade Taiwan? Defeating Taiwan gets him nowhere. Taiwan is not his primary objective. He must defeat the United States. If America loses a war, Taiwan will surrender without a fight. What, then, is the point of invading Taiwan?

Bypass it!

When a country develops military capabilities, like an amphibious fleet with a six thousand mile range, you have to sit up and take notice if you are six thousand miles away. Strategic thought guides China’s force development. The attack range of these troops was not haphazardly assigned.

Consider the grand strategy behind Xi’s war preparations: Biological weapons soften, then cripple the target country. Nuclear weapons and cruise missiles, launched from hidden locations, can destroy America’s naval, air and strategic assets. China’s amphibious fleet then lands on the West coast and secures port facilities for follow-up merchant ships loaded with men, tanks and artillery.

Is the invasion of the United States by China possible? Yes — it is more than possible. The Chinese have been preparing to invade us for decades. They have been secretly stockpiling supplies in Mexico, as Journalist Scott Gulbransen learned many years ago. He published his findings in a book, The Silent Invasion

There is an old Chinese saying attributed to Lao Tzu: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Years ago Gen. Chi Haotian, China’s defense minister, made a speech to high-level party officials. He spoke of a future biological attack “to clean up America.” He said that Beijing’s threat to Taiwan was diversionary. The real plan, he said, was to invade and occupy the United States.

Eighteen years ago a British journalist contacted me. She had been with a documentary film crew, interviewing Chinese sailors during amphibious exercises off the coast of China. She asked how they felt about practicing an invasion of Taiwan. The sailors were baffled. “We’re not practicing to invade Taiwan,” they told her. “We’re practicing to invade America.”

When Chinese military officials realized what the British crew had uncovered, they confiscated the cameras and the recordings. She told her experiences to colleagues in the UK — but she was ostracized for being “anti-Chinese.” She heard of my work through a reader and contacted me. “Listen,” she said. “I damaged my career. But I have to tell someone in America. You must promise not to use my name in telling this story. I have to make a living. I have to get my career back.”

Xi Jinping is not President Trump’s friend. He is America’s enemy. The Chinese have been preparing for war. Their Russian, Iranian, Cuban, and North Korean allies have also been preparing.

I represent a growing number of Americans who don’t want to hear President Trump refer to Xi Jinping as his “friend.” Xi is a murderous dictator, and he is our enemy. We need President Trump to acknowledge this.

There isn’t a moment to lose.

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