APP - What Republicans get wrong about Inflation, Ending the War in Afghanistan, and Joe Biden


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Republicans blame in inflation on Biden.

They do this because it's low hanging fruit to score cheap political points.

Are they right?

No, they are either misspeaking, or deliberately lying.

Let's review the facts.

Inflation was a worldwide phenomenon, and the only other worldwide phenomenon that occurred leading to that inflation was the pandemic.

In summary, it was the pandemic that led to inflation. It's a worldwide phenomenon and no single president can cause a world wide phenomenon, unless he declares war on the world.

How did the pandemic cause inflation?

It's very simple, and Republicans, and even some Democrats, fail to understand inflation.

Inflation, as Milton Friedman, and other economists in the monetarist schools have taught us, is a monetary phenomenon.

I don't agree with monetarist economic policy, but for one thing, it's the one thing they get right, and that's how to cure inflation. It's why they installed Paul Volcker in the Carter/Reagan years and now Jerome Powell in the Trump/Biden years, and Powell is following in Volcker's footsteps and using the same tool to bring inflation down as did Volcker, which is to raise the interest rate the Fed charges banks at the discount window. They are about to bring it down, now that inflation has been tamed.

What does that mean? It means only the source of money is the cause of inflation. Without the manipulations of that source, inflation is impossible. In fact, without it, deflation could be the inevitable result (given that there would be population growth without monetary expansion). Oh, sure, prices would go up and down just as the waves in a swimming pool go up and down due to external forces, but the aggregate level, the 'trend', can not rise unless you pour more water into the pool, which is to say, print money faster than the GDP can absorb the new dollars.

And, in a sovereign nation that is wholly independent for it's currency from other nations, as America is, it means inflation is caused by the government printing press.

To finance the massive demand for currency by Trump's CARES act, ($2 trillion) and Biden's ARP ($2 trillion) we have an infusion of new fiat dollars called 'quantitative easing' AKA "QE" (Fed jargon) hitherto unseen in a long time by the Federal Reserve.

So, when a QE is greater and infused faster than the GDP can absorb the new dollars, inflation ensues, and it takes about 6 months to a year for the new dollars to circulate the M1 economy, and that it did, resulted in inflation. Other nationed followed similar monetarist policies, and all of the countries, including America, did this to prop up what would have been an economic holocaust had they not done it.

In short, it was the pandemic that caused the inflation. Inflation is what we all paid, collectively, to thwart a worse outcome, an economic collapse.

Democrats need to learn this to better defend themselves against false accusation from the right (Trump was equally responsible)

Republicans need to quit lying about inflation.

That is the point.

Remove inflation, and what you have left is one of the more successful presidencies in history by teh Biden administration.

Biden's economy is a success because it has reduced inflation down to just about where it should be. Near 2%.

Biden's administration is a success because one of the singular most important things he did were:

1. Rebuild America's infrastructure, a 10 year plan of which there are over 56,000 infrastructure projects occuring as we speak.
2. More funding for climate change programs than any point in history, a very necessary thing to do.
3. The return of CHIPS manufacturing to America, because we depend far too much on Taiwan, which is under treat of China occupation.

The three most important things Biden could have done,. he accomplished, and Trump did nothing. It would ahve been better that these problems been address sooner than Biden, but Trump did nothing. All he did was give his rich buddies a huge tax break, which, as any economist will tell you, is unnecessary when the economy is good.

Trump lies.

He said no one in the military died in war under his administration. Not true.

He said there were no wars in his administration. Not true, Afghanistan occurred throughout his administration.

He blamed Biden for the disaster of the Afghanistan evacuation.

But, let's get our facts straight:

Trump tied Biden's hands.

How so? He kicked out the Afghanistan leadership, caused them to flee, and negotiated with the Taliban, who cannot be trusted.

He got released 5000 Taliban prisoners, many of whom were Taliban members. Was this necessary for peace? Some say so, others do not.

He reduced military support in Afghanistan to a fraction of it's former posture, a mere 2500 soldiers when Biden took over.

That left only two options:

1. Withdraw entirely.
2. Restore troop levels and let the war continue.

Let's be accurate, Trump knew that withdrawal would be disastrous, given the situation that he left Biden with, had he withdrawn from Afghanistan himself. He had advisors, they knew they knew this, surely they so advised him. The simple fact is, he did the deal he knew would be disastrous, and left it to Biden to do the deed, knowing that either choice, it would be bad for Biden. If Biden chose to restore troops, that would be bad. If he decided to withdraw, he would have no choice but to do it rapidly, and that would be very risky for Biden.

Trump did this to Biden because he is a despicable human being, and not a patriot.

Biden decided that, getting out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do, and despite the risks, he did it.

America, in short, as Biden correctly understood, has had a bellyful of the Afghanistan war.

Biden had the courage to do it, Trump did not. Trump deliberately kicked the can to Biden, in a very cowardly fashion. That it could have been done better, we can argue that till kingdom come, and note this argument is littered with monday morning quarterbacks, all of whom miraculously know better than what it would have been like had they had to walk a day in Biden's shoes.

History will show that Biden was one of the greatest presidents of the 21st century.

History will show that Trump is one of the worst presidents in history, period, on many levels. Hell, his inviting the Taliban to Camp David, something no president would have ever thought of doing, earned him his place on the bottom of the presidential totem pole.
I think the withdrawal from Afghanistan was sloppy. But the fact is that Trump SURRENDERED. He signed an unconditional surrender. That left NOTHING for Biden to negotiate a withdrawal with.

However, we can't hide the fact that errors were made.

In respect to inflation, you are correct in that it was a worldwide phenomenon. But one thing that did contribute was.... TARIFFS. Trump decided to impose tariffs on China., Mexico, Canada, India.... and other countries. THOSE countries imposed retaliatory tariffs on our country.

In the end, we had to compensate farmers so they would keep producing. About one third of the income by farmers came from subsidies. In other words, from OUR taxes. But farmers STILL lost money, and prices had to be increased beyond what would have been necessary beyond the inflation that Covid force throughout the world.

Trump's tariffs resulted in one of the largest tax increases for the middle class in decades.

And guess what Trump's "fabuolous" idea for the economy is, if he's elected. Tariffs! Dear God!

Biden has inflation under control now. UNLIKE most other industrial countriesthe in the world. They are still struggling with the problem.
Republicans blame in inflation on Biden.
So, this entire thread is based on your misunderstanding that Republicans believe the President is Congress. I can clear up your misconception right now. Leftists are the ones calling for tyrannical autocracy, who are constantly confusing the Presidency with Congress and who refer to Donald Trump as having been a Hitler.

So we can dispense with the thread; the underlying premise is faulty ... very faulty. Leftists, such as yourself, often don't understand in what fantasy they are role-playing at the moment.
I think the withdrawal from Afghanistan was sloppy. But the fact is that Trump SURRENDERED.
Of course, TDS-infected historical revisionists are once again blaming Trump for Biden/Harris' complete fuck-up.

Donald Trump did the right thing and drew up a viable and safe exit plan.

Joe and Kriminala recklessly abandoned the plan against all advice, just to meet an artificial deadline, killing 13 people.

You cannot be honest to any degree about any topic involving Trump (except to get the name of the country correct) so you allow your TDS-infected irrationality drive your historical revisionism.


Oh, and tariffs, when properly applied, are very good measures.

We have some lovely parting gifts for you on your way out.
Donald Trump did the right thing and drew up a viable and safe exit plan.

if he did, he did nothing to carry it out. He just signed the unconditional surrender and... that was it! There was enough time to prepare when he signed it. But he didn't move a finger after that. Which meant Biden only had a couple of months to execute it.
if he did, he did nothing to carry it out.
Correct. The DNC stole the 2020 election and thus Trump was not in office. Joe and Kriminala were in office, and they botched the exit by abandoning the plan.

Do you personally consider every coordinated exit plan to be a "surrender"?
if he did, he did nothing to carry it out. He just signed the unconditional surrender and... that was it! There was enough time to prepare when he signed it. But he didn't move a finger after that. Which meant Biden only had a couple of months to execute it.
They did not meet what they agreed to, so the plan was to wait for the terms to be met before withdrawal. Joe decided they didn't need to meet the terms, decided it had to happen before a specific date regardless of whether terms were met, and he and "The last person in the room" Kamala created the debacle we all watched as desperate Muslims dropped to their deaths from the outside of our desperately fleeing airplanes. And in Democratic Party fashion, like the Captain of the Titanic hypothetically claiming it was a great success "because more life boats than ever before were used" the Democrats tried to tell us that it was a "Great Success" because the most ever desperately fleeing planes had desperately fled....