What should be done about Jared who parlays with foreign terrorist on America's dime?


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It appears narrow ass Jared Kushner has reached a new low of arrogance and brazenness at using his free pass tRump coattail to use as leverage to engage in co-mingling atrocities with foreign enemies and terrorist who slaughter their own people for no legitimate reason, other than wanting to express their will to be a civilized human being. This bean pole Jared has already destroyed his own image at being known as a two bit globally pilfering thief and one who also profits on blood money generated by his foreign, in particular, barbaric sugar daddies. I hope some day U.S. Justice will have its time to invoke a great amount of punishment on this little twerp who thinks he is a mighty one living it up on taxpayer money and foreign blood money as a junior tyrant. Fuk'em, although I imagine his prince makes him earn that blood money in a certain affectionate way on his narrow sweet one as.s.

Jared Kushner advised Saudi prince on how to 'weather' Khashoggi slaying, report says
