Cops being tried, convicted, and sentenced like anyone else when they abuse the use of deadly force. No bullshit excuses.
The cop that killed Floyd is in jail and will be tried. Extenuating circumstances = bullshit excuses?
What extenuating circumstances? Suspect on the ground cuffed 3 cops what possible reason can there be for kneeling on a persons neck for 12 minutes? Let me guess they didn't have any krypton to weaken him.
Cops being tried, convicted, and sentenced like anyone else when they abuse the use of deadly force. No bullshit excuses.
It's why we have trials idiot. I would trust any leftist to make a fucking rational decision.
What extenuating circumstances? Suspect on the ground cuffed 3 cops what possible reason can there be for kneeling on a persons neck for 12 minutes? Let me guess they didn't have any krypton to weaken him.
It's why we have trials idiot. I would trust any leftist to make a fucking rational decision.
First off ass wipe your post has nothing to do with what I posted. But because you are too stupid to understand it I will explain the reason for a trial by ones peers!
We have trials to protect a defendants rights as guaranteed by the constitution of the United States. Left or right has nothing to do with it Einstein!
Just more fucking evidence I wouldn't trust a leftist inbred pig fucker to make a rational decision.
Why are you so hard on yourself? It's not your fault you are a product of inbreeding.
Why are you so hard on yourself? It's not your fault you are a product of inbreeding.
Projection on your part, BOY.
That's what happens to a person when they fuck pigs and their mother is also their sister.
I'm not a leftist which is what it says asshole. You're a pig fucker AND an illiterate imbecile.
But you didn't deny your parents were brother and sister now did you? BTW you are a fucking clown who is hurting Trump with your fucking stupidity.