what the democrats are really hiding,,

always do,,,but its more important to not ignore the message just because you dont like the source,,,and in this case its all backed up with documented proof,,,

I really doubt that. If there was documented proof of any corruption on Biden's part, the Republicans would be all over it by now.
I really doubt that. If there was documented proof of any corruption on Biden's part, the Republicans would be all over it by now.

haven't you been watching the news?? and if you bothered to watch the video you would know hes giving this all to the senate today,,,

on another thought when should we trust the republicans to do anything against the dems except argue in public for our sake,,,
haven't you been watching the news?? and if you bothered to watch the video you would know hes giving this all to the senate today,,,

on another thought when should we trust the republicans to do anything against the dems except argue in public for our sake,,,

Yes, and so far the Republicans haven't done anything but lie about the video where Biden talks about getting the investigator fired.

The second line is incoherent.
Why would they need to show anything?

Well they've been arguing that the Bidens were involved in some sort of "corruption" and that's why Trump made such a perfect phone call. So how come....
I'm sorry, but I have to say, it really was a perfect phone call. Damn. I wish I could make calls like that.
Anyway, so if the Republicans have some evidence that there actually was some Biden corruption in Ukraine, why wouldn't they present it? It would prove that Trump did the right thing.
Yes, and so far the Republicans haven't done anything but lie about the video where Biden talks about getting the investigator fired.

The second line is incoherent.

as shown in the video it wasnt a lie about what biden did,,,

but since you wont watch it and decide to run your mouth incoherently due to some form of TDS,,, I mock you from afar as being one of the ignorant ones,,,self inflicted of course,,,
Well they've been arguing that the Bidens were involved in some sort of "corruption" and that's why Trump made such a perfect phone call. So how come....
I'm sorry, but I have to say, it really was a perfect phone call. Damn. I wish I could make calls like that.
Anyway, so if the Republicans have some evidence that there actually was some Biden corruption in Ukraine, why wouldn't they present it? It would prove that Trump did the right thing.

based on that ignorant comment you really need to find a better news source because repubes are in the process of collecting all the evidence,,,
as shown in the video it wasnt a lie about what biden did,,,

but since you wont watch it and decide to run your mouth incoherently due to some form of TDS,,, I mock you from afar as being one of the ignorant ones,,,self inflicted of course,,,


The real TDS is lying to yourself in order to keep worshiping Trump.
Well they've been arguing that the Bidens were involved in some sort of "corruption" and that's why Trump made such a perfect phone call. So how come....
I'm sorry, but I have to say, it really was a perfect phone call. Damn. I wish I could make calls like that.
Anyway, so if the Republicans have some evidence that there actually was some Biden corruption in Ukraine, why wouldn't they present it? It would prove that Trump did the right thing.

The Republicans are so full of shit, I am amazed anyone can stand or sit near any of them.

First thing they were going to do was eliminate Obamacare...and they had control of the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office.

Didn't get shit done.

They were going to investigate Hillary Clinton and lock her up. Investigate the piss out of her for 4 years. Came up with squat.

Now they are allowing this degenerate in the White House to fuck up the country from here to Hell and back...and they kiss his ass for all to see.

Trump was going to clean up the swamp.

The Republicans are so full of shit, I am amazed anyone can stand or sit near any of them.

First thing they were going to do was eliminate Obamacare...and they had control of the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office.

Didn't get shit done.

They were going to investigate Hillary Clinton and lock her up. Investigate the piss out of her for 4 years. Came up with squat.

Now they are allowing this degenerate in the White House to fuck up the country from here to Hell and back...and they kiss his ass for all to see.

Trump was going to clean up the swamp.


Lol. Frank.

Lol. Frank.


Faster than that, Earl!

this is a good breakdown of what the dems are really hiding when they are going after trump

Glenn Beck? For real?

"Trump Spends National Prayer Breakfast Attacking God For Allowing Impeachment To Ever Happen"

"Unleashing a tirade on the supreme deity in an overtly partisan display at the traditionally nonpolitical event, President Donald Trump spent Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast fiercely attacking God for allowing impeachment to ever happen."

“As everyone knows, my family, your great country, and the presidency have been put through the ringer by this supposedly great God and the crooked angels who let this hoax happen,” said the president, boasting that his approval rating was far higher than the Lord’s would ever be while holding aloft a copy of The Washington Post’s front-page"


Get the point?