APP - What the heck is wrong with white people?


Let's face it folks white people are just plain bad news. Look at South Carolina for instance, white people just voted into office a known philanderer and misappropriator of tax payer money. And he is a republican too, you think maybe that is what they mean by being more inclusive?

Look too at Congress, now what moral person thinks avoiding delays at airports is more important than 'meals on wheels' for the elderly who rely on it for sustenance? Anyone.

Then there is the hurt done to children through reductions in head start. Didn't I hear lots of white people say children are our future and didn't I see lots of white people holding and kissing children? Odd huh, guess it must be rich white children who are our future?

And then to top it off, these same white people pray all the time. Even congress starts each session with prayer. Ask yourself what is it they pray for, fast lines at airports or food for the bed ridden? Must be those lines? 'God, please speed up those lines, amen.'

Maybe there's just something wrong with Christian white people? Any atheists or brights out there who can answer whether atheist or bright white people vote for charlatans and dislike old people and children enough to punish them? But like fast airlines? I know you don't pray.

White people, especially of the congressional flavor, they sure are hard to figure. Can anyone explain what's wrong with white people today? Soon there will be stereotypes for white people, jeez, then we'd all be sorta even in a negative sorta way.

"Since the "black crime shock" tabloid stories of the 1980s, editors have known that stoking fears about misunderstood minorities is good for sales. If you object to this article, then you should understand how it feels to be a Muslim reading similar pieces pandering to Islamophobia day after day – and you should object to those too."

'It's time to face up to the problem of sexual abuse in the white community'

And looks like someone else noticed these peculiar white people. "Using her extended Irish-Catholic working-class family as a case in point and explaining her own political coming-of-age, Walsh shows how liberals unwittingly collaborated in the “us versus them” narrative and how the GOP’s renewed culture war now scapegoats segments of its own white demographic." Joan Walsh 'What's the Matter with White People?'

'Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others'

I would add to Juan's list, if a terrorist is Christian, named Scott or Randy or Timothy or Ted or Eric, he's an exception to his religion and all is forgiven for surely his hatred and evil act falls under some other definition. If a Tea party member hates government that's OK, but if a Muslim hates government hell is opening up and the end near. That is unless the republicans, mostly chickenhawks mind you, give sermons of apocalyptic revelation that the talking head on Fox grimaces with an as if they knew something deep and dangerous face. Too much TV has killed their minds or too many episodes of '24' destroyed any sense they had left in them.

Full disclosure: I too am a white people of a bit confusing parentage, but given the thousands of grandparents who isn't. ;)

Further proof Americans have lost their minds. "Supporters and opponents of gun control have very different fundamental beliefs about the role of guns in American society. Overall, the poll finds that 29 percent of Americans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years, with another five percent unsure. However, these beliefs are conditional on party. Just 18 percent of Democrats think an armed revolution may be necessary, as opposed to 44 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of independents."
I don't believe trolling is allowed in this section.

As far as what's wrong with white people, some (conservatives) are concerned they're losing ground to others in population and other areas as stereotypical barriers are torn down.

So get a Mod to move this thread.
Was anything in the OP wrong? Someone has to point that out if you are going to call it trolling. Trolling for me is off topic slander. Again are the republicans not hurting the elderly and children as they legislate for fast lines at airports and pray each session to the god of their choice? One wonders what their respective Gods think? It is hard for me to comprehend what will happen should Hillary run and win in 16. The third party tea party is already so ideologically unstable and so much in control of the republican party that with a little more gerrymandering we will have a country that can do nothing. One has to marvel at FDR as even then the powers of wealth fought to destroy the American system and replace it with a plutocracy. Today that plutocracy wants its way and will do everything it can to get power back.

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." Gore Vidal