What the heck ???


Villified User
You're running out of oil - Bush

PRESIDENT George Bush yesterday told leaders of the oil-rich states of the Middle East that they must face up to a future without their precious hydrocarbons.
In a stark warning, he said their supplies were running out and urged them to reform and diversify their economies. The outgoing United States president told the World Economic Forum, meeting in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, that it was time to "prepare for the economic changes ahead".

Mr Bush's family name is inextricably linked to the oil industry, and this was his strongest statement yet on the future of global supplies.

He told the conference: "The rising price of oil has brought great wealth to some in this region, but the supply of oil is limited, and nations like mine are aggressively developing alternatives to oil.

George Bush yesterday told leaders of the oil-rich states of the Middle East that they must face up to a future without their precious hydrocarbons.

In a stark warning, he said their supplies were running out and urged them to reform and diversify their economies.

Well shit.

This doesn't exactly help out with the rightwing talking point that Iran has so much oil, that they have no need for civilian nuclear power.

I wish these wingnuts would get one script, and stick with it.
Well shit.

This doesn't exactly help out with the rightwing talking point that Iran has so much oil, that they have no need for civilian nuclear power.

I wish these wingnuts would get one script, and stick with it.

That talking point always bothered me. The neocons are so uninterested in practical facts that they flat make shit up. Any way you slice it, nuclear power is cheaper, safer, and more efficient than oil. A nation that wants it, wants it for practical reasons.

Our foreign policy in the middle east is driven by one thing and one thing only. Israel's interests. We're their bitch, what they want, we do. It has nothing to do with anything else.
That talking point always bothered me. The neocons are so uninterested in practical facts that they flat make shit up. Any way you slice it, nuclear power is cheaper, safer, and more efficient than oil. A nation that wants it, wants it for practical reasons.

Our foreign policy in the middle east is driven by one thing and one thing only. Israel's interests. We're their bitch, what they want, we do. It has nothing to do with anything else.

Yes, well israel is important because of domestic electoral politics.

But, desh is right. It really all boils down to money. Petro dollars and economic and geopolitical hegemony.
That talking point always bothered me. The neocons are so uninterested in practical facts that they flat make shit up. Any way you slice it, nuclear power is cheaper, safer, and more efficient than oil. A nation that wants it, wants it for practical reasons.

Our foreign policy in the middle east is driven by one thing and one thing only. Israel's interests. We're their bitch, what they want, we do. It has nothing to do with anything else.

OIL, NO matter what that moron bush says our economy and nation is based on cheap oil, and lots of it.
And will be for at least another decade at the absolute minimum.

but we are Israels bitch as well.
OIL, NO matter what that moron bush says our economy and nation is based on cheap oil, and lots of it.
And will be for at least another decade at the absolute minimum.

but we are Israels bitch as well.

But we're not even pursuing cheap oil. We're exercising a foreign policy that is roundly fucking us up on the economic and international fronts.

DC is Israeli occupied territory.
they want us poor for the new world order Bushs Dad was always talking about. Desperate workers are compliant workers.
But we're not even pursuing cheap oil. We're exercising a foreign policy that is roundly fucking us up on the economic and international fronts.

DC is Israeli occupied territory.

True it is not cheap oil but the profits are nice and one of the few things making our economy look much better than it is while killig us.