What the hell is Huckabee hiding?

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee depleted the governor’s office emergency fund in the final weeks of his administration in part to pay for the destruction of computer hard drives in his office.

That left Gov. Mike Beebe, who replaced Huckabee on Jan. 9, with no emergency funds for the last half of fiscal 2007.

Documents that the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, describe the destruction of the computer drives, as ordered by Huckabee’s office, and Huckabee complaining strongly about his cell phone and Blackberry not working.

A memo dated Jan. 9 from a state Department of Information Systems official to Huckabee told of the “disposition of data maintained” by the department “for the office of the governor” during Huckabee’s tenure.

“All drives have been subsequently crushed under the supervision of a designee of your office,” wrote Gary Underwood, the agency’s chief technology officer and a former Huckabee staff member.

Beebe has asked the Legislature to replenish the $ 500, 000 emergency fund, but a legislative committee has so far rejected his request.