What the pink pussy hat protesters aren't focused on speaks volumes

Русский агент

Путин - м&#108

Since 1990, the estimated number of girls and women in the US who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) or are at risk of the practice has more than tripled.

The increase is due to rapid growth in the number of immigrants from countries where risk of FGM is greatest.

These girls and women are concentrated in California, New York and Minnesota.

It took more than two decades for the first prosecution to happen. Two Michigan doctors and the wife of one of the doctors were charged in 2017 with performing the banned procedure on two 7-year-old girls.

Though at-risk girls and women are thought to live in every state but Hawaii, just 25 states have enacted laws against female genital mutilation. Prosecution depends on the age of the victim, who performed the procedure, whether the victim was taken out of the country for FGM, and whether the accused uses cultural reasons as a defense. Punishments include as many as 30 years in prison and fines that top out at $250,000.


Ihe militants laugh and joke as one of them films their excited chatter.

"Today is the female sex slave market day, which has been ordained," explains a skinny, black-clad Jihadi, gesturing at the camera.
"With Allah's permission, each will get a share," promises another of the fighters.

"Where is my girl?" asks the first, a wide grin splitting his straggly-bearded face.

In ISIS territory, women can be bought and sold for money, bartered for weapons, even given as a gift; but this is not a simple commercial transaction -- ISIS has made rape and slavery part and parcel of its -- brutal -- theology.

"Anyone who doesn't convert to Islam, we will kill the males and marry the girls. They are the spoils of war."

"Enslaving the families of the kuffar [unbelievers] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah [Islamic law] that if anyone were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet."
