What the State Motto Really should be...

cancel2 2022

FLORIDA: The Gunshine State
ALABAMA: Literacy Ain't Everything
ARKANSAS: At Least We're not Oklahoma
ILLINOIS: Gateway to Iowa
KENTUCKY: Tobacco is a Vegetable
MAINE: For Sale
MONTANA: Land of the Big Sky, and Very Little Else
NEW JERSEY: You Have the Right to Remain Silent, You Have the Right to an Attorney
NEW MEXICO: Lizards Make Excellent Pets
NORTH CAROLINA: Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names
OHIO: Don't Judge us by Cleveland
PENNSYLVANIA: Cook with Coal
SOUTH DAKOTA: Closer than North Dakota
TENNESSEE: The Educashun State
TEXAS: Si Habla Ingles
UTAH: Our Jesus is Better than Your Jesus
ARIZONA: But it's a dry heat, I tell ya!
WEST VIRGINIA: We're all related
MASSACHUSETTS: Chappaquidick...'nuff said
NEVADA: Lose Your Money and Leave
RHODE Island: Too Small to Care About
OKLAHOMA: 50th Most Visited State!
HAWAII: We're All Tanned and Healthy and You're Fat and Dying!
VERMONT: Quaint and Cold
DELAWARE: No One Knows We Exist
IDAHO: Enough About the Damn Potatoes!
TEXAS: Not as Boring as Nebraska
D.C.: Now With Fewer Murders Than New Orleans
LOUISIANA State Joke: Men Working