What this impeachment CLOWN show is all about

Truth Detector

Well-known member
There may be some confusion among those of us who actually have a brain and common sense and are perhaps wondering what the Democratic Party of the Jackass are trying to accomplish by dividing the nation, making a mockery of our institutions and burning down their own house.

The reason is simple. The Democratic Party of the Jackass needs victims. It cannot survive without them. It cannot convince people to surrender their liberties and independence to the State without making them victims. They also see the 2020 election as one in which they cannot win with the Marxist losers currently competing for the nomination and a strong economy.

Therefore, with the help of a complicit PHONY media not unlike PRAVDA of the former Soviet Union, they seek to promote a false narrative that Trump is a selfish rich traitor to America. You see, this is not only about their Fascistic desire for political power, but about the Supreme Court which they have used in the past to further their ideological goals they cannot seem to accomplish through elections.

Trump, with his re-election, stands unique among Presidencies in his ability to transform this court completely to the Conservative Constitutional based side for decades to come with a six to three edge. THIS is the single greatest threat to the Marxist/Progressive leftist agenda. A court that will no longer view the Constitution as a "living" document or something that can used to promote a Progressive agenda.

So don't be confused as to why a radical left leaning Party of the Jackass is willing to burn down the house in their effort to rid the nation of Trump through any means necessary other than the voters; this is about the survival of their indoctrinated beliefs, one that precludes the will of the people. One that thrives on the notion that their leaders know far better what is good for our citizens than the citizens themselves.

With this knowledge, it is an ALL-OUT battle between the Republican Party and the Party of the Jackass. NO one should be confused as to what this is about. ALL Republicans in the Congress have to push back against this Fascistic crusade and ensure that Trump at least be able to make his case to the American voters. If not, the Republic may not survive another decade.

Discuss. Full thread ban of repugnant left leaning thread spamming trolls is in effect for an intelligent discussion.
I totally agree. I do not think most Americans realise what has been going on since Trump was elected. What we're seeing in farces like the "Russia-collusion" hoax and the fanatical attempt to impeach Trump is evidence of what happens when one decent man refuses to be bullied by an entrenched socialist establishment; its lickspittal media and its shadowy "Deep State" mandarins. Obama is responsible for all of this. He is a reform-Marxist socialist, in the style of many of the current European socialist parties (in Spain and Germany for example) and for 8 years he stealthily set about implementing leftist policy. His promotion of Identity Politics ( a neo-Marxist/politically Postmodern tactic) is a good example, as in the failed "Black Lives Matter" movement. To understand Obama, you need to realise that because he is Black, he harbours a deep ressentiment in his heart for American's Western?European traditions, culture, institutions, social mores and history. He has never managed to quell his desire for REVENGE against White Americans and free market capitalism because of SLAVERY in the US during the 18th and 19th centuries. If you watch some of his past speeches carefully, you will note that he often refers to SLAVERY in America with visceral loathing. As a youth, Obama grew up in an environment where he was exposed to Marxist ideology through members of his own family and friend. At college, he was still fascinated with Marxist theory and as he grew older became involved with a number of hard left organisations such the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Socialism is all about being a victim and feeling you must take action to to crush your oppressors. It is all about blaming others for your own shortcomings and failures. For Obama, a Black man in a white-dominated Western State (the US) and culture, his mission in politics was, understandably, always to destroy the White (Anglo-European) Patriarchy, its culture, its free market, capitalist economy and, in short, EVERYTHING it stood for.

You are right, America is drawing near a fateful cross-roads, and there is a lot (everything, in fact !) at stake, in what direction it decides to take. If the people are deceived into taking the wrong turn, into voting for the extreme left (i.e. political "progressivism"/socialism/neo-Marxism/ call it what you will) that has infected so much of the Democratic Party to date, then , as they say in the European football, it's "GOODNIGHT VIENNA." That is, GAME OVER. America will thereafter officially be set a trajectory headed to the status of Third World Nation, and headed fast. Your Constitution and Declaration of Independence - everything of value that America's Founders bequeathed, will be trampled underfoot like "pearls before swine."


(NB: This is a response to "Truth Detector's" excellent post above)
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