What trump and some others really aren't called out for enough


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There is a basic choice in ruling approach.

One is a more universal approach - the ideals of 'justice for all', that when you win you're the president of everyone, not just those who voted for you, that while we might disagree on our choice of policies and leaders, we need to be loyal to each other anyway and draw lines at how much we oppose the other side that stop short of oppression and include respect for equal rights.

The other is the divisive approach - to gain power by appealing to part of society - either a majority group, or a powerful minority - by giving them priority and benefits at the expense of others.

This tends to mean dehumanizing, demonizing some groups, and trying to take as much, to exploit them as much as possible, for the benefit of the 'base' group of supporters.

Perhaps the most famous case of this was Hitler's appealing to the German people by attacking other groups - Jews, gays, socialists, communists, the handicapped, in the name of making Germany 'great' for the 'master race' - and it included conquering the rest of the world as well.

It doesn't have to be that dramatic or extreme.

Republicans are showing themselves the masters of this divided appeal.

America is (still, for now) majority white; they appeal to whites by attacking people of color and hurting them.

America is majority Christian - so they appeal to them by demonizing others - from the more severe, supporting violence overseas, Muslim bans, to the trivial but popular, attacking 'happy holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' as a greeting, and more, telling Christians they're under attack but Republicans will protect their right to discriminate, such as against gay people.

This rule is especially ugly, because it requires creating the desire to hate and discriminate as the base of their power among the targeted groups against others.

Analysts have said, 'everything trump does is aimed at his base'.

Sadly, his base doesn't even realize the divisiveness is being done to target them - nearly 100% of Democrats say trump is increasing division while a majority of trump supporters say he's reducing it.

The antidote to this includes appealing to those being offered the benefits with American values - to support equal rights, universal justice, and not be pandered to at the expense of others.

It's the equivalent of asking a slave society to give up their benefits in the name of justice for others - historically, it's a long shot. But it's the right thing.

We need to reinforce American and human values by teaching everyone this idea of governing by division and to oppose it as wrong - an easy message for those on the losing side, but important for those being offered the benefits.

As a practical matter,* justice on this is obtained more by the strong resistance of the* oppressed groups - after which the groups who had the benefits and did not willingly give them up pat themselves on the back for the progress - but we should attack the approach by the leaders who adopt this approach to gaining power.

It's ugly. It's harmful. It's telling people to support them, because they're more on their side against the other group, and guarantees discrimination.

It's un-American. And it's almost the entirety of trump's politics. It's not new to Republicans - they've all done it since Eisenhower t least - but trump is the most blatant.
Word is that Trump used to have a picture of Hitler on his desk. He admires Putin for his control over his country. Trump is using the Hitler blueprint. Turn the people against each other. Make them believe all the institutions are corrupt , the justice department, The house and senate,the newspapers and Tv news. Actually rail against the voting system. The only thing you can trust is Trump. Lots of people are falling for it.
Word is that Trump used to have a picture of Hitler on his desk. He admires Putin for his control over his country. Trump is using the Hitler blueprint. Turn the people against each other. Make them believe all the institutions are corrupt , the justice department, The house and senate,the newspapers and Tv news. Actually rail against the voting system. The only thing you can trust is Trump. Lots of people are falling for it.

Trump is no where smart enough to have reasoned all that out. Otherwise, it does seem to be his playbook. The one he got for Christmas (It's Merry Christmas, you damn heathen) 2015 from Bannon.
Trump is acting for the wealthy. Every policy he offers gives the plutocrats more power and more money. The tax bill is another example of gifts to those on top. Not only do they get a huge tax cut, but they will gain lots of money from the lower corporate taxes. They will also get a boon with the estate tax changes. This is great for them. But dingbats still believe Trump cares about the middle class. The poor know Trump does not have their interests in consideration. 13 million are even losing their healthcare.
Its Mussolini all over again

tell the people whatever they want tohear and then give EVERYTHING to the CEOs

Oh and as far as the only govern forthe few while in office

that is what the republicans have done for DECADES
He is a sociopathic liar

he lies as a course of life

he even begins to believe his own lies after awhile

he is fucking insane
How does constant, transparent lying fit in? Does he know he's doing it? If so, what does he expect to gain by it?

That's a good question. I'd suggest the reason is power - by discrediting those who are his enemies because they tell the truth.

It's like the old Fox business model.

They wanted to get into the US news market, but how do you compete against the established news agencies - CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, AP, Reuters, newspapers, etc.?

You do it by convincing people 'they're all liars, only Fox can be trusted', and to do that, you have to say things different than them, and Fox did, and it worked - they became the #1 cable news.

You saw the same thing with Nixon, when he treated the press as his serious enemy and attacked them at every turn.
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Trump is acting for the wealthy. Every policy he offers gives the plutocrats more power and more money. The tax bill is another example of gifts to those on top. Not only do they get a huge tax cut, but they will gain lots of money from the lower corporate taxes. They will also get a boon with the estate tax changes. This is great for them. But dingbats still believe Trump cares about the middle class. The poor know Trump does not have their interests in consideration. 13 million are even losing their healthcare.

If 13 million were relying on someone else to subsidize their unwillingness to do for themselves, they aren't losing anything. They're no longer getting what those forced to fund that handout should have never been required to pay in the first place. You can't lose something you didn't deserve. You can only no longer get what you never should have been given.

If you think those 13 million should be getting something, anything, feel free to pay their premiums on their behalf with YOUR money. If you aren't willing or capable of doing so, STFU about someone else doing it.
I take it you aren't one of those undeserving poor, CFM? Well done!

It's the same the whole world over
It's the poor what gets the blame
And the rich what gets the pleasure
Ain't it all a bloomin' shame!
Word is that Trump used to have a picture of Hitler on his desk. He admires Putin for his control over his country. Trump is using the Hitler blueprint. Turn the people against each other. Make them believe all the institutions are corrupt , the justice department, The house and senate,the newspapers and Tv news. Actually rail against the voting system. The only thing you can trust is Trump. Lots of people are falling for it.

Yep.......... Just as he is turning ppl on each other in the UN today........ He is truly an anti-christ, a doer of evil & proud of it.........
It arises from Bannon and the alt-right. Trump just follows the play book. Trump spent most of his life holding many left and central values, like pro abortion rights. He was never religious. The people at the church he claims as his, never saw him there. He blew trying to read the bible in front of a bible college. Trump did want to be president and can follow a script, sort of. He is into reality TV, so he knows how to play the TV viewers .Bannon and the alt right studied Hitler very closely.

Trump is destroying the institutions like the FBI and CIA. They intend to replace them with their own. Comey and Mueller are life time Republicans who Trump is trying to destroy. They are in the way. He put people to head the government agencies whose job is to destroy them from the inside. he is stacking the courts with far right, pro Trump judges who will follow orders. Trump is not capable of developing a sophisticated right wing plot like that. He spends his time golfing , tweeting and bragging.
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