What was lacking


New member
I grew up poor. I never got to go to a good school where they teach you about Art. I did not understand it. I thought it was stupid and a waste of time. I thought the engineers were pulling the levers. So that's what I tried to become.

Yes, you are going to need science and engineering. But without an understanding of art you are a puppet. Absolutely, a puppet. They are mocking you and charging you an admission fee. Keep thinking I am taking it too seriously and you will turn yourself into their clown, pawn or muse. They will rob you blind and laugh at you. Yes, it is all funny and you should laugh more. Don't believe they are not laughing at you unless you are laughing with them fully.

You are not laughing with them if you don't know what they are trying to tell you. You are being used by their machine. They are not even sure if you will continue to move and spin about without their machine. Maybe, you need it and should not understand. Maybe, the knowledge will make you somber or rage against it. Didn't you say that was the first sin? No, you won't to stay dumb and make some dumb kids that will make their kids rich. You don't want what's in that suitcase.
haha rstring has gone off the rocker. nice.

i find a lot of libertarians tend to start posting more and more often in stream of consciousness format.
I grew up poor. I never got to go to a good school where they teach you about Art. I did not understand it. I thought it was stupid and a waste of time. I thought the engineers were pulling the levers.

Engineers don't pull levers. Failed art students do :). Engineers design the system that the levers control.

Seriously though, I agree to a point. Art is important as are all cultural aspects.
haha rstring has gone off the rocker. nice.

i find a lot of libertarians tend to start posting more and more often in stream of consciousness format.

Nope. The darkness is gone. I see through the cloud. I can even make you dance happily to my tune if I want. Build your bogeyman and run away to hide Grind.
Engineers don't pull levers. Failed art students do :). Engineers design the system that the levers control.

Seriously though, I agree to a point. Art is important as are all cultural aspects.

I know plenty of engineers. I am a programmer and a very good one. My bosses have mostly been engineers. Most of them are dorks trying to figure out why the art students are laughing at them or getting mad about it and turning themselves into clowns while they do it. It is quite funny. I have defended both sides but did not understand the artists very well.

But we pull from the same fountain. It is a lie that there is some natural division between one sort of creativity and the other. I always knew that too. Asimov was no fool. He had a mastery of science greater than mine. I don't know if he had my eye for human nature, though.
Hell, even Rand told us of the importance of art. I always thought she was a little bit of a hard ass on that subject and so I did not check her work there. But she got that very wrong and lead me astray with it. Ayn Rand writes men like men write women and every MAN (not you... you conservative homo... yeah I am talking about you!) knows that. I thought that I needed to be like her ideal man. I wanted a strong woman like her and not like my mom. But it's the fairytale of a little girl who probably had some issue with her daddy. She wanted men to be like that, so they could protect her and provide for her. I understand Rand. She is sombody's baby. I know why she wanted to build her system. She fell in love with her idea of what a man should be. Yeah, I bet that lunatic thought her husband should have stopped her from fing Branden too.

See this is how they get you to dance. They make you pretend to be perfect or that you even know what the fuck that is. Do you know what perfect looks like? I don't. I thought it existed thanks to the lies. I thought it was just my shitty family. But the assholes kept coming from everywhere and I knew what you were and how you will hide your own stink. You are not the only one. You don't believe that do you?

Now see, here is where this going to go. Now some dumbass is going to say that I must have something to hide. Fuck yeah. Everyone does and YOUR book tells them contradictory shit about confessing so they can find away to absolve their sins and charge you for yours. That's how it all works. You are still paying pennance but to Hollywood instead of the church. They both sale you myths about perfection and the ideal. Tehn they scare you with their demons. This is what will happen to you if you try to hard or question us too much.
That is the game. I know it. You can pretend it is something else if you want to. But I know you are a manipulative little beast that wants sex and food. We all do. Every living thing. Yeah, I am crazy though because I reject everyone of your fantasies and fairy tales.
You are not in control. You did not build that. They want you to stay afraid and dependent. I am trying to show you that you are not dependent and you need not fear anything except ignorance. The root of all evil is ignorance. Anybody that argues against that is stupid or lying.
What is it that is not clear? I am done playing you with the riddles. You are not going to see it though until you let go of your myths. You are a dirty stinking animal. Nothing more and many times a hell of a lot less. Again, a dog is easier to handle because he is not being trained by the other dogs to believe that his teacher is his enemy. That is what you do to each other.
You are not in control. You did not build that. They want you to stay afraid and dependent. I am trying to show you that you are not dependent and you need not fear anything except ignorance. The root of all evil is ignorance. Anybody that argues against that is stupid or lying.

Do you intend to publish your manifesto, any time soon?
Every great mind is eccentric. You just paid me a compliment.

Quit hiding your nature. Everybody wants sex and food. Even the women. How do you think we would be able to survive without it.

We want the love of our parents, spouse and children too. Nothing abnormal there. How many kids believe in Santa Claus? Wrestling? Dragons? Why do you think they believe that? Because we teach them our bullshit myths with them. The fanciful crap is their to confuse them and create awe. We think they need it to inpsire them. BS! They don't need it! All they want is their parents love. You insist on convincing them they are evil for that. Most of you tards don't believe that your children deserve the love you were denied. You think that you were denied it do to your sin and they have sin.

You are the insane programmers. But you are so sure that somebody else, smarter than you has the perfect answer but you have to be careful of the evil ones. Those are probably the ones that tell you that evil is a myth, right? What horror movie did they use to teach you that one?
Every great mind is eccentric. You just paid me a compliment.

Quit hiding your nature. Everybody wants sex and food. Even the women. How do you think we would be able to survive without it.

We want the love of our parents, spouse and children too. Nothing abnormal there. How many kids believe in Santa Claus? Wrestling? Dragons? Why do you think they believe that? Because we teach them our bullshit myths with them. The fanciful crap is their to confuse them and create awe. We think they need it to inpsire them. BS! They don't need it! All they want is their parents love. You insist on convincing them they are evil for that. Most of you tards don't believe that your children deserve the love you were denied. You think that you were denied it do to your sin and they have sin.

You are the insane programmers. But you are so sure that somebody else, smarter than you has the perfect answer but you have to be careful of the evil ones. Those are probably the ones that tell you that evil is a myth, right? What horror movie did they use to teach you that one?

Is that what the voices in your head tell you or do you get your instructions from the "little man" that lives in your TV?
yeah what rstring doesn't realize, is that a lot of us have been waaaaaaay ahead of him on this posting style. He's a johnny come lately ;)
Art teaches you to apply the math and logic with ingenuity, it is what makes an architect into Frank Lloyd Wright rather than just some guy turning out ink on vellum of the next round of suburban boxes that will be sold to the cogs. Without art you would not have the new ideas that make the good Engineers so valuable.