What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life...


What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life that Christ has helped you through?

For me it came when I was 10 years old and I was standing in the corner of a horse stall watching my dad fix a water bowl which would only take a minute or two. There was a horse in the stall with us that was eating and was calm but when my dad was drilling into wall the screw hit something in the wall and made a loud noise which spooked the horse. That particular horse was pretty young at the time and wasn't as calm as some of the others and it ended up kicking me in the chest as I stood against the wall which fractured my sternum among other things. I had to have surgery to remove bone fragments and was in the hospital for a couple of days. It was difficult in that once I healed I was afraid to go near the animals that I loved so much, but it was the most inspirational moment because I prayed for help and not that long after that I felt a calm come over me and wasn't nervous anymore. Since then I have gone on to compete in local junior rodeos and continue working with horses at home and as a part time job near my university. I have no doubts in my mind that He calmed my heart and mind, and I am forever thankful for it.