APP - What will the Fed do today?


That is the big question. Futures are up this morning so maybe the market expects dovish remarks?

I think the chances of Powell not raising rates is as close to zero as you can get for two reasons

1) Powell doesn’t want it to look like he is influenced by Trumps comments. So he wants to maintain that “independent” lie

2) Powell is a member of the elite and the Deep State. He knows that the easiest way to take Trump down is a tanking economy. The easiest way to tank the economy is raising interest rates

The most important thing is going to be what Powell signals about 2019. Again, I don’t think he will be dovish. I think he is part of the Deep State takedown of Trump.

But he does have one problem and that is economic data and the stock market don’t warrant a rate increase.

The Fed needs to be disbanded along with the FBI and DOJ. Shut it all down