APP - What would an intelligent, strong woman do?

Should women engage in unprotected sex

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So we are having an interesting conversation in the thread about Planned Parenthood considering abortion murder. I don't want to rehash that part of the debate. I want to focus on responsibility.

So here is the scenario.

An unmarried man and woman want to have consensual sex with each other. The man refuses (irresponsibly) to wear a condom. He claims he doesn't like it. The woman does not take birth control pills. Should an intelligent, strong woman

a) Have unprotected sex and throw caution to the wind?
b) Take a pass on having sex with this particular man

Please remember that this is APP and do not let this derail off topic. It is a very straightforward question with a very straightforward answer.
That's because it's not a straight forward question. It's a loaded question. If you really cared about accountability as the issue you wouldn't have attacked women specifically as men are every bit responsible and accountable for such actions as women but beggared the question specifically assigning accountability to women. It's a lame loaded question and virtually everyone knows it but apparently you.
That's because it's not a straight forward question. It's a loaded question. If you really cared about accountability as the issue you wouldn't have attacked women specifically as men are every bit responsible and accountable for such actions as women but beggared the question specifically assigning accountability to women. It's a lame loaded question and virtually everyone knows it but apparently you.

Isn't the entire premise of the pro abortion crowd that women have complete and total control over their bodies.

You seem to be saying that when it comes to the actual act that leads to a pregnancy she is not in control.

This in no way implies that a man should not act responsibly he should. But, in the real world people act irresponsibly.

The question is simple and not loaded at all. If a man refuses to wear a condom should a woman still have sex with him.

What I think is at play here is that you know the right answer but are afraid to answer. That is why you claim it is loaded. The reason you think it's loaded is because you realize that the answer which of course is a resounding NO throws a wet blanket on your argument about culpability.

In life some people are more responsible than others. In the case of pregnancy, God and biology have determined that women are more responsible and accountable. That may stink for women but it gives them a tremendous power that they should embrace not run away from
Deleted some posts in this thread. Some people are violating the rules. Next time it's a ban from APP.

As a general reminder, if you don't like a certain thread, you don't have to post in it. You don't have a right to derail a topic with your various platitudes.
That's because it's not a straight forward question. It's a loaded question. If you really cared about accountability as the issue you wouldn't have attacked women specifically as men are every bit responsible and accountable for such actions as women but beggared the question specifically assigning accountability to women. It's a lame loaded question and virtually everyone knows it but apparently you.

I was always taught 'no means no'. does that not apply anymore?
I was always taught 'no means no'. does that not apply anymore?

That is what I am trying to get to with these people

We were taught during the lynching of Clarence Thomas that "no means no". That a woman has ultimate control over any sexual situation.

So it seems to follow logically that if a woman does not wish to get pregnant and the situation is not conducive to preventing a pregnancy, then all that is needed is a simple no on the part of the woman as she has much more to lose than the man

As I have said, in a perfect world people would wait to have sex until marriage. In a perfect world men would do the right thing. But, we live in an imperfect world and women should look out for themselves.

From my perspective, I am empowering women. Those who argue with me appear to be saying that women are slaves to their private parts and have no self control
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Gotta pass. Set aside pregnancy, she can have a pretty sure understanding of risk with nothing more complicated than a calendar. She risks much more with what might be lurking in that talliwhacker.
I was in this situation and luckily the woman I was in a relationship with loved oral sex so we never had a problem when a condom wasn't available. Is that unprotected or protected sex? Not sure how to vote.
In general I'd vote no.
So we are having an interesting conversation in the thread about Planned Parenthood considering abortion murder. I don't want to rehash that part of the debate. I want to focus on responsibility.

So here is the scenario.

An unmarried man and woman want to have consensual sex with each other. The man refuses (irresponsibly) to wear a condom. He claims he doesn't like it. The woman does not take birth control pills. Should an intelligent, strong woman

a) Have unprotected sex and throw caution to the wind?
b) Take a pass on having sex with this particular man

Please remember that this is APP and do not let this derail off topic. It is a very straightforward question with a very straightforward answer.
This should be a no-brainer for both sexes. Of course she should "Take a pass". So should the dude, for that matter.
Here is another scenario related to unprotected sex

Would it be wise for someone to knowingly get in a car with a drunk driver?

One could rightfully argue that both are responsible but when it comes to your own safety, security and well being aren't you ultimately responsible for that?

In the example above related to unprotected sex, let's play this out.

They have sex and the woman becomes pregnant

The man can just walk away. It would be irresponsible and a horrible thing to do, but that is his option.

It is the woman now that has the ultimate decision on what to do. Does she kill her unborn child? Have the child and hope the father does the right thing? Put the child up for adoption.

So as if you can see in the real world where we have to live with our decisions some people bear more of the brunt of a given decision than others therefore have a greater degree at risk

How anyone could answer anything other than no or try to obfuscate the question is beyond reason.
This should be a no-brainer for both sexes. Of course she should "Take a pass". So should the dude, for that matter.
They're like kids. If a parent tells his child that something is wrong and he shouldn't do it, then the kid immediately wants to do it. Same concept applies with Conservatives educating Liberals.
I can only surmise from the lack of interest expressed by my distinguished friends on the other side of the aisle that they support a woman having unprotected sex if the man refuses