APP - What you are seeing today is just the same ole commie playbook

This is a very good and insightful read from a commie insider. This is exactly what is going on right now. For years, the democrat party took the stealth path toward achieving their ends. They thought they had it made. But, now they see someone in Trump who is actually attempting to roll back leftism and they will do anything to stop it

“commie,” for real, you are dating yourself, get out more, it is the 21st Century, and why would anyone care what some guy named “tony salinski” had to say, especially on a Heritage website

The problem with you people is that see anything or anyone to the left of Attila the Hun as socialists, commies, anarchists, nihilist, etc., largely cause it fits the melodramatic view you have of the world, fortunately, life isn’t dichotomous