What You Have Done to the Least of These


New member
With the Recovery Act, health, and now Wall Street reform the extreme Right has fought all the way. Their chant about the deficit is nothing more than spin. They didn’t care about the budget when Bush and the Republican Congress spent money like a drunken sailor. They never asked, “Where is the money going to come from” when they gave billions of tax dollars to their rich friends. Now they stand in the way of extending unemployment, but then they are always opposed unemployment insurance, minimum wage and Labor laws. The Republican Party has never been a friend to the working American. They would rather take from those who have little to spare and give it to those who have so much that they are at a loss to know what to do with it. The Republican Party would turn old Veterans out on the streets, tell mothers with their children to starve and tell the elderly that if they had out lived their money, that they had out lived their lifes. It was this same Republican Party’s cold heartedness that gave us the Great Depression and almost did it again. It is about time that party started being responsible.

the weakest part of this argument is the fact that we bitched when Bush and the Republicans spent like drunk sailors....in fact, I recall them losing control of the house because of it.....
With the Recovery Act, health, and now Wall Street reform the extreme Right has fought all the way. Their chant about the deficit is nothing more than spin. They didn’t care about the budget when Bush and the Republican Congress spent money like a drunken sailor. They never asked, “Where is the money going to come from” when they gave billions of tax dollars to their rich friends. Now they stand in the way of extending unemployment, but then they are always opposed unemployment insurance, minimum wage and Labor laws. The Republican Party has never been a friend to the working American. They would rather take from those who have little to spare and give it to those who have so much that they are at a loss to know what to do with it. The Republican Party would turn old Veterans out on the streets, tell mothers with their children to starve and tell the elderly that if they had out lived their money, that they had out lived their lifes. It was this same Republican Party’s cold heartedness that gave us the Great Depression and almost did it again. It is about time that party started being responsible.

YouTube- What You Have Done to the Least of These

Welcome back Marty.

You can add to this, by also asking where are the war protests, where is Code Pink, why isn't Cindy Sheehan camped out close to Obama's house in Chicago, etc, etc, etc.
Welcome back Marty.

You can add to this, by also asking where are the war protests, where is Code Pink, why isn't Cindy Sheehan camped out close to Obama's house in Chicago, etc, etc, etc.

You make a good point, Sheehan and Code Pink seem to have lost their voice, for the good or bad.
I'm just trying to point out that both sides (parties) seem to forgive their own; but will raise holy hell, when it impacts the opposition. :palm:

I'm not sure having code pink less present is a bad thing, they were getting a bit crazy. As to the two political parties, they both need to change their behavior. Most Democrats need to grow some (for the lack of better words) and Republicans need to be more reasonable and pick their fights. I have read some conservative economists who say that extending unemployment is the right thing for the economy. The strategy of trying to make the Democratic Senate look bad might work for the Republicans, but the Nation will suffer from it. On the issue of the jobs bill and extending unemployment these Republicans are wrong and Democrats in the Senate are wrong not to be fighting tooth and nail for it.
I'm not sure having code pink less present is a bad thing, they were getting a bit crazy. As to the two political parties, they both need to change their behavior. Most Democrats need to grow some (for the lack of better words) and Republicans need to be more reasonable and pick their fights. I have read some conservative economists who say that extending unemployment is the right thing for the economy. The strategy of trying to make the Democratic Senate look bad might work for the Republicans, but the Nation will suffer from it. On the issue of the jobs bill and extending unemployment these Republicans are wrong and Democrats in the Senate are wrong not to be fighting tooth and nail for it.

It's the old adage, regarding politics, of:
It doesn't matter what's right, it only matters who's in charge.
With the Recovery Act, health, and now Wall Street reform the extreme Right has fought all the way. Their chant about the deficit is nothing more than spin. They didn’t care about the budget when Bush and the Republican Congress spent money like a drunken sailor. They never asked, “Where is the money going to come from” when they gave billions of tax dollars to their rich friends. Now they stand in the way of extending unemployment, but then they are always opposed unemployment insurance, minimum wage and Labor laws. The Republican Party has never been a friend to the working American. They would rather take from those who have little to spare and give it to those who have so much that they are at a loss to know what to do with it. The Republican Party would turn old Veterans out on the streets, tell mothers with their children to starve and tell the elderly that if they had out lived their money, that they had out lived their lifes. It was this same Republican Party’s cold heartedness that gave us the Great Depression and almost did it again. It is about time that party started being responsible.

YouTube- What You Have Done to the Least of These

1) Obama's deficits are rather artistic. That's why they are heatedly opposed. Yes, there is plently of hypocracy emanating from many on the right.

2) I want a party that's friendly to the Constitution, rather than a slave to the ignorance of the masses.

3) Insert random hyperbole here about how evil the Democratic Party is.
1) Obama's deficits are rather artistic. That's why they are heatedly opposed. Yes, there is plently of hypocracy emanating from many on the right.

2) I want a party that's friendly to the Constitution, rather than a slave to the ignorance of the masses.

3) Insert random hyperbole here about how evil the Democratic Party is.

Not to sound partisan here, but there is no Obama deficits. What we have is a bank that was broke by the Republicans and left the debt to this Democratic President. Most economists realize that to escape the near great depression left by the thirty years of Conservative policies, we must spend. That is not to say to spend for spend sake. We have so many needs in this Country which have gone unaddressed for years. Our roads are full of holes and our bridges are falling down. Many parts of the Country is in so bad of need for new phone lines that a light rain can put them out of service. The list of such things is almost endless and needed right now. By fixing these things we aren't just following our Constitutional duty, we will be putting America back to work. You might think it evil to care about our fellow man, but according to my Bible that is a requirement of God. Now, let me make myself clear here, I am not implying that either party is closer to God and at the same time I am refuting your erroneous charge that the Democratic Party is evil. The beauty of helping our fellow Americans is that we help ourselves.

Put some clothes on that girl.
Not to sound partisan here, but there is no Obama deficits. What we have is a bank that was broke by the Republicans and left the debt to this Democratic President. Most economists realize that to escape the near great depression left by the thirty years of Conservative policies, we must spend. That is not to say to spend for spend sake. We have so many needs in this Country which have gone unaddressed for years. Our roads are full of holes and our bridges are falling down. Many parts of the Country is in so bad of need for new phone lines that a light rain can put them out of service. The list of such things is almost endless and needed right now. By fixing these things we aren't just following our Constitutional duty, we will be putting America back to work. You might think it evil to care about our fellow man, but according to my Bible that is a requirement of God. Now, let me make myself clear here, I am not implying that either party is closer to God and at the same time I am refuting your erroneous charge that the Democratic Party is evil. The beauty of helping our fellow Americans is that we help ourselves.

Put some clothes on that girl.

Maybe we need to fail, to some degree.
Maybe a monetary or political failure will finally galvanize some people off their asses.
Not to sound partisan here, but there is no Obama deficits. What we have is a bank that was broke by the Republicans and left the debt to this Democratic President. Most economists realize that to escape the near great depression left by the thirty years of Conservative policies, we must spend. That is not to say to spend for spend sake. We have so many needs in this Country which have gone unaddressed for years. Our roads are full of holes and our bridges are falling down. Many parts of the Country is in so bad of need for new phone lines that a light rain can put them out of service. The list of such things is almost endless and needed right now. By fixing these things we aren't just following our Constitutional duty, we will be putting America back to work. You might think it evil to care about our fellow man, but according to my Bible that is a requirement of God. Now, let me make myself clear here, I am not implying that either party is closer to God and at the same time I am refuting your erroneous charge that the Democratic Party is evil. The beauty of helping our fellow Americans is that we help ourselves.

Put some clothes on that girl.

My 1st Amendment tells me that I don't get to impose my Bible or my Church on America, which is why I tend to advocate fewer and fewer socially conservative issues. My Founding creed states that Natural Law is self-evident, and thus I defend people's personal choices within the context of ordered liberty and so forth. The Democratic Party has been indefensible since its inception, but if you're going to start name-calling people for not supporting your pet social programs, I'm going to respond with some obviously sarcastic comment such as "insert generic hyperbole here." So very, very sorry you didn't catch that.

My girl does have clothes on, btw. They're called underwear...
Have you ever wondered why, if natural law does exist, God didn't see fit to put something so obviously important into the bible? Natural rights is nonsense on stilts.

Then go live in another country. Problem solved. My God did say, btw, thou shalt not kill, and thou shalt not steal or covet, and He also allowed for us to create our own governments (He wasn't even planning to give Israel a king, but they demanded one), so life, liberty, and property are all taken care of.
Not to sound partisan here, but there is no Obama deficits. What we have is a bank that was broke by the Republicans and left the debt to this Democratic President. Most economists realize that to escape the near great depression left by the thirty years of Conservative policies, we must spend.


Last 30 years.... (prior to Obama)

Bush 8 years
Clinton 8 years
Bush 4 years
Reagan 8 years
Carter 2 years

Also... the DEMOCRATS controlled the House from 1949-1993 and again from 2007-present.

the DEMOCRATS controlled the Senate from 1955-1980 again from 1986-1993, again 2007-present.

So pretending that it is Republican policies that have led us here is nothing short of absurd.

Glass Steagall was repealed by BOTH parties in an overwhelming fashion and signed by Clinton.

Both parties approved of the Greenspan era

Both parties championed policies to lead to 'more home owners than ever before'

The deficit Obama had last year was largely due to what came before him and you are correct that most economists felt the stimulus money was needed. Where they disagree is on HOW the money should have been spent and the pace at which it should have been spent. They also now disagree on whether more should be spent.

Bottom line, trying to pin this to one party or the other is nonsense/partisan bullshit. They both led us here.

The period of time when DC was at its best was when there was a stalemate of power.... Reps Controlled both houses of Congress and Clinton was in the WH.
the weakest part of this argument is the fact that we bitched when Bush and the Republicans spent like drunk sailors....in fact, I recall them losing control of the house because of it.....
Ssshhhh... That would ruin the argument that nobody spoke against The Bush while he was in office and that people like me didn't exist back then.