APP - Whats he afraid of?


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Cheney Slams Obama's 'Politicized' Probe of CIA Interrogations
In blunt, unsparing language, former Vice President Dick Cheney accuses President Obama of setting a "terrible precedent" by launching an "intensely partisan, politicized look back at the prior administration," seeming to question Obama's fitness as commander-in-chief.
By Bill Sammon

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Calling it a "terrible decision" that undermines national security and devastates CIA morale, former Vice President Dick Cheney slammed the Obama administration's probe of aggressive interrogation of terrorists.

"It's an outrageous political act that will do great damage, long-term, to our capacity to be able to have people take on difficult jobs, make difficult decisions, without having to worry about what the next administration is going to say," Cheney told "FOX News Sunday" in a no-holds-barred interview.

One thing is that his revisionistic history will be rewritten correctly.

another aspect is that Cheney supported the torture. And as we all know Republicans just cannot be wrong.
Cheney Slams Obama's 'Politicized' Probe of CIA Interrogations
In blunt, unsparing language, former Vice President Dick Cheney accuses President Obama of setting a "terrible precedent" by launching an "intensely partisan, politicized look back at the prior administration," seeming to question Obama's fitness as commander-in-chief.
By Bill Sammon

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Calling it a "terrible decision" that undermines national security and devastates CIA morale, former Vice President Dick Cheney slammed the Obama administration's probe of aggressive interrogation of terrorists.

"It's an outrageous political act that will do great damage, long-term, to our capacity to be able to have people take on difficult jobs, make difficult decisions, without having to worry about what the next administration is going to say," Cheney told "FOX News Sunday" in a no-holds-barred interview.


I want people with this much power to be worried about what those reviewing there actions will say!


Taking away important tools to protect America.

Obama's precedent-setting decision to prosecute political enemies from former Administrations will create an interesting situation when the Obama Administration is itself the former Administration. LOL
Taking away important tools to protect America.

Obama's precedent-setting decision to prosecute political enemies from former Administrations will create an interesting situation when the Obama Administration is itself the former Administration. LOL

True, and thus I expect Obama will watch his ass and not do anything illegal!
Cheney Slams Obama's 'Politicized' Probe of CIA Interrogations
In blunt, unsparing language, former Vice President Dick Cheney accuses President Obama of setting a "terrible precedent" by launching an "intensely partisan, politicized look back at the prior administration," seeming to question Obama's fitness as commander-in-chief.
By Bill Sammon

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Calling it a "terrible decision" that undermines national security and devastates CIA morale, former Vice President Dick Cheney slammed the Obama administration's probe of aggressive interrogation of terrorists.

"It's an outrageous political act that will do great damage, long-term, to our capacity to be able to have people take on difficult jobs, make difficult decisions, without having to worry about what the next administration is going to say," Cheney told "FOX News Sunday" in a no-holds-barred interview.


Indictment. A "no holds barred interview"? "All it lacked was wet kisses!" (I forgot who said it, but so true.)
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I believe he is thinking about people who work in the CIA, afraid to do their jobs because what they are told is okay in one instance suddenly may not be okay in the next. I think he may believe that we are tying the hands of the newly rebuilt HUMINT while it is still in its juvenile stage...
I believe he is thinking about people who work in the CIA, afraid to do their jobs because what they are told is okay in one instance suddenly may not be okay in the next. I think he may believe that we are tying the hands of the newly rebuilt HUMINT while it is still in its juvenile stage...
Bullshit! you and I were both in the military and we both knew what was and was not acceptable in the treatment of the enemy. The CIA needs to have the same rules that are scrupulously applied. If you are ordered to violate those rules, or you violate them of your own accord there needs to be swift and immediate sanctions. The end does not justify the means, at least it didn't when that was the overriding belief system of the Soviet Union. Cheney is afraid that crimes will be made public and his friends will have to pay.
Bullshit! you and I were both in the military and we both knew what was and was not acceptable in the treatment of the enemy. The CIA needs to have the same rules that are scrupulously applied. If you are ordered to violate those rules, or you violate them of your own accord there needs to be swift and immediate sanctions. The end does not justify the means, at least it didn't when that was the overriding belief system of the Soviet Union. Cheney is afraid that crimes will be made public and his friends will have to pay.

What he said.

You either value the rule of law or you don't.
What he said.

You either value the rule of law or you don't.
True that. I'm just saying that is likely how he justifies it in his mind. HUMINT does not have to contain "enhanced interrogation techniques," nor should it. There was a reason that the Iraqi military was so ready to surrender in the first Gulf Conflict, and it wasn't because they were sure we'd torture them.
What he said.

You either value the rule of law or you don't.
Ahmen Bro! If Obama reinforces the precedent that no one is above the law then Fuck Cheney, he's dong a real good thing.

What I hear Dick Cheney saying is "What we were doing was right, therefore it was above the law."