What's The Deal Newsboy

It's a RSS Feed that I created to give us stories... I'm testing it. If it sucks I'll end it after a while.
Give it a chance. "He" has started some threads that got quite a bit of attention... So far I like the way it doesn't repeat stories, something I was afraid of. I may change it to find less stories from each source, or less often, or just remove the feature entirely depending on how it goes. So far it hasn't been too much in the way and some good discussion has been going because of his "drive-by" style.

Pretty much, but it searches out relevant articles. At least, so far most have been relevant...
so its a spam troll ;)
More like an automatic Spam dispenser, kind of like the surly chef at my local Hawaiian grill. :D

Actually, I like it. So long as it doesn't get out of control, I think Damo's onto something: it does tend to start interesting threads.

take him off damo.

He's taking up space on my "today's post" display, and frankly threads like "homeless man murdered" and "biker killed in collision" sounds like my lame 11 o'clock local news channel

focus it on digg's world and business category. You'll get stories you may not find at other areas. It'll also be a little unique.
I love NewBoy now, he's become one of the regulars! :D

Don't take him away..... I am just becoming used to him....please give it some time... it's like having a non partison "Desh" giving us the news....lol!
