What's the white equivalent of the N word?

So if someone calls you a racist, you're deeply angered and hurt and humiliated? It reminds you of a time when your ppl were subjugated?

A few times during these forums wars over the years I've been called a racist. Oddly, by other white ppl. I'm not, so I just laughed and moved on.
So if someone calls you a racist, you're deeply angered and hurt and humiliated? It reminds you of a time when your ppl were subjugated?

White people are subjugated(sic) right now, and a grand and pervasive scale. And, in the past, whites weren't allowed to use certain water fountains, which wasn't so bad.
My policy is to keep the most virulent racists on my ignore list. Guess what? You're one of them, Bobb.

Today, 06:35 PM

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My policy is to keep the most virulent racists on my ignore list. Guess what? You're one of them, Bobb.

Today, 06:35 PM

Verified User
This message is hidden because Bobb is on your ignore list.

Moron, it's not like you were going to refute anything I said. You assume I'm white, and you don't know a word to call me that's equivalent to n*****?

Hey, how come n**s love to use the n-word and remind themselves of that subjugation you say they don't want to be reminded of? You're a fcking moron. If nigs didn't use the word and keep it alive, it would have disappeared.
So if someone calls you a racist, you're deeply angered and hurt and humiliated? It reminds you of a time when your ppl were subjugated?

A few times during these forums wars over the years I've been called a racist. Oddly, by other white ppl. I'm not, so I just laughed and moved on.

The word that most insults white people is "racist"
It's true. "Racist" is just a slur against white people. It no longer means anything, it's just an insult and nothing more.

So, what up, mah racists?
It's true. "Racist" is just a slur against white people. It no longer means anything, it's just an insult and nothing more.

So, what up, mah racists?

Yes, the r-word has been reduced to nothing but a racist slur against white people. But, unlike the n-word, no anti-white racists shy away from the r-word.

Who'd thunk it? Another thread dedicated to race baiting.

White Guilt? :dunno: I fail to understand all the hang ups by liberals about the color of someone's skin, their gender, their religion, their education, their geographical location, their culture, their heritage, and the mandatory life long membership in the church of neverending bigotry. Why do liberals need to segregate and divide everyone because of diversity.... differences in a nation where assimilation is advantageous to everyone while they pretend to propagate a message that diversity is grand. :thinking: The sad thing? America is at its best when we are all of one mind and one goal. The reality: Liberalism can only exist when everyone is pitted against each other....otherwise they have no power and a false allusion of control.

Tis the difference between liberalism and conservatism. Liberals are dreamers that want to control everything in their quest for social justice and a utopian society that is impossible to exist side by side with free will and liberty. The only way to eliminate free will (the cause of a great many of the worlds troubles) is through taking away that unalienable right of birth and attempting to force everyone that disagrees with them to be silent...i.e., and do as they are told. TOTALITARIANISM.

Conservatives know and accept the reality that surrounds them and deal with those realities on a daily basis by making decisions based upon that reality instead of the emotional dreams that exist within their minds. Some call that "unkind"....but when you deal in truth, you deal in the greatest form of love ever bestowed upon mankind.

The biggest hang up I have with liberalism is the constant and uncontrollable obsession with MONEY....especially other people's money....its nothing but a form of envy and jealousy. Never accepting the reality that almost 90% of the most wealthy men and women in the United States have worked hard and brought themselves up by their own bootstraps. If you want to envy something....envy hard work and honesty. No one in our society is forced to purchase anything other than by freewill, that's why Today our greatest threat comes from China and even that nation possibly the second most powerful nation on earth is a by-product of American Capitalism.

Capitalism is based upon freedom....Socialism is based upon dreams and emotion that always produce …...in the end.....violence and revolution because its an impossible dream as long as free will exists.

Just ranting. But look through the archives.....99% of the threads based upon race are started by leftist race baiters accusing someone of being a bigot or racist. I simply can't stand two faced people.....pretending to be one thing but producing the opposite of what they are supposedly questing. Constantly projecting nothing but hate....and a false allusion of superiority.
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Moron, it's not like you were going to refute anything I said. You assume I'm white, and you don't know a word to call me that's equivalent to nigger?

Hey, how come nigs love to use the n-word and remind themselves of that subjugation you say they don't want to be reminded of? You're a fcking moron. If nigs didn't use the word and keep it alive, it would have disappeared.

Owl has said they say it out of respect, so when there's a fight and they use it, it MUST be out of respect!!

Moron, it's not like you were going to refute anything I said. You assume I'm white, and you don't know a word to call me that's equivalent to ni****?

Hey, how come n*** love to use the n-word and remind themselves of that subjugation you say they don't want to be reminded of? You're a fcking moron. If n*** didn't use the word and keep it alive, it would have disappeared.

This from an idiot who can't spell Bob?

Welcome to my ignore list.