Whats up fools?


Worst gambler ever
I can only imagine the whining from the right and gloating from the left after the election last month, I hope all you guys got the bitch fest over with already.

Starting my business now. If you assholes cant get over this fiscal cliff shit, then fuck the fuck off. I don't have time for your panty ass whining. You want to win some figurehead bullshit? You want to put politics in front of the country? Welcome to Dixieland and Maineland. Fuck this. You partisan ideologues are so excited about winning the battle that you're throwing the country under the bus and we're all going to lose the war. War of attrition so that you all have something to bitch about. How stupid is the american public? Far more than I thought to begin with .

BTW, if you come out to Hawaii, look me up, I'll hook you up. And PPS, Battleborne said 6 months, he's now off by over a factor of 10. Love you guys. Assholes.