What's up with DEMOCRATS and child sex? A mature discussion of Florida law


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Maher rejects DEMOCRAT misrepresentation ('Don't Say Gay') and opposition to Florida law: "Maybe young kids shouldn't think about sex".

The GOP-backed bill garnered national attention for being derided by progressives as being 'anti-LGBTQ' with false accusations that the bill forbids any discussion pertaining to being gay in schools.

Left-wing critics, including members of the fake news media, have false referred to the legislation as the "Don't Say Gay" bill even though such language is absent from the bill. America's greatest governor is expected to sign it into law.

The bill states, "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

The legislation additionally requires schools to inform parents "if there is a change in the student's services or monitoring related to the student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being and the school's ability to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for the student" and requires parent approval before children from kindergarten through third grade participate in a "well-being questionnaire or health screening" and that parents have the option to opt their children out across all age groups.

"Real Time" host Bill Maher pushed back at the fake "Don't Say Gay" distortion voiced by DEMOCRATS in opposition to a Florida education reform bill that's been condemned by DEMOCRATS and their propaganda media.

"I guess it's a reaction to Republicans who feel that there's too much talk in lower grades, I think it's only, they're talking about kindergarten to third grade, so we're talking about very young kids who, you know, as always with this stuff, you know, it's not like there's no kernel of truth in that maybe kids that young shouldn't be thinking about sex at all," Maher said during the "Overtime" segment on Friday.

Addressing the deliberate misrepresentation of the law by agenda-driven DEMOCRATS, Maher scoffed, "It's not like you're not allowed to literally not 'say gay', but they just don't want teachers talking about it. They think it's the province of parents," Maher told the nation.

While failing New York Times columnist Frank Bruni dismissed the bill as a "culture war that's meant to solve cheap, easy points rather than really solving America's problems," Newsweek deputy opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon disagreed, insisting the reform effort is focused on parents' rights.

The HBO star went on to read part of the officially named Parental Rights in Education bill, which "would require districts to adopt procedures for notifying a student's parent if there is a change in the student's services or monitoring related to the student's mental, emotional or physical health or well-being."


The question before us is this: why does an entire political party want to promote adult-child discussions of a sexual nature in public schools without the consent or even notification of parents?

I have my own suspicions.

Let's hear yours in the comments below, but remember to read Rule 12b (https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?2-Rules-of-the-Board!) and observe it carefully, because two of the JPP moderation team identify as DEMOCRATS.

Do not violate the rule.

Now, discuss.

Note: this is a mature discussion referencing news articles about a current event, involving stats, how it affects people etc., so posters who have proven over time to have literacy challenges, and/or have repeatedly acted out their anger issues, and/or those who have demonstrated a habitual lack of self-control that belies their ability to discuss a subject in a responsible, adult fashion are preemptively excluded for their own protection.

They are, of course, free to start their own threads on the subject.

Thank you for your understanding.


America's Greatest Governor isn’t Scared Of Mickey Mouse Or Any Corporate Interests Targeting Florida Kids

Other GOP governors have compromised for corporate interests before but America's greatest governor refuses to let pedophiles indoctrinate Floridian children to appease CCP-friendly Disney and pedophile-enabling DEMOCRATS.

Republicans in the Sunshine State first introduced the “Parental Rights in Education” bill to reinforce parents rights to protect their child from state-funded sexual grooming.

The legislation also allows parents to sue school districts that encourage adults influencing children as young as 5 to make sexual orientation or gender identity decisions in kindergarten through third-grade classrooms.

It’s a bill that focuses on ensuring parents still have a hand in making decisions for their kids, but leftist activists aided by the corrupt corporate media quickly misconstrued the legislation’s purpose beyond banning radical gender ideology indoctrination from K-3 classrooms and dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which is a misnomer.

The propaganda press also compared the bill’s aims to those of state-sponsored Russian censors while DEMOCRATS across the nation screamed “gay.”

Disney plans to halt all political donations



The bill that allows parents to exert control over public school sexual indoctrination has drawn national attention (and pedophile's ire) for a provision that would bar educators from proselytizing about homosexuality and transgender identity in kindergarten and grades 1-3.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek spoke on the bill last week, revealing a behind-the-scenes strategy where he hoped to pressure America's greatest governor without voicing public opposition on behalf of Disney, which depends on the goodwill of parents with small children.

Chapek attempted to bulldoze America's greatest governor by mentioning that he runs Central Florida's largest employer, a massive tourism draw.

That effort failed. In a memo to employees shared by Politico, Chapek touted a review of the company's political donation process and a 'more mindful approach to offering campaigns support'.

America's greatest governor responded to Disney's veiled threats last week, saying the company was bending to the whims of the Communist Party of China and denouncing "woke corporations."

Marvel Studios Denounces Child Protection Bill as Disney Employees Plan Walkout

Discontent With Disney Over Child Sex Grooming Prevention Bill Adds to Trouble for CEO Bob Chapek

Chief Executive Bob Chapek made a decision at the start of the year: Disney was staying out of politics.

The strategy was meant in part to help the entertainment giant avoid the culture clashes between executives and employees that have plagued many companies in recent years.

Instead, it backfired. The first big test of its policy of neutrality, which came with Florida’s recently passed Parental Rights In Education bill exacerbated employee, politician and fan resentment toward Chapek. Disney initially was silent on the bill publicly, then was forced by America's greatest governor to admit that Chapek threatened DeSantis after it passed and it transpired that he had worked against the legislation behind the scenes.

The pile-on comes at a crucial moment for Chapek, who became CEO in February 2020 and became a solo act atop Disney just three months ago when his former boss, executive chairman Robert Iger, left the company. Even before the child grooming issue, investors had sent Disney’s share price down near its lowest level in over a year.

Divisions within Disney have taken additional actions to assuage their own fan bases and employees, an unusual step at Disney, where in the past, most important communication on staff issues has come directly from the CEO’s office.

A spokesman for Disney said that it focused its advocacy against the bill on lawmakers who could potentially be convinced rather than trying to promote child sex.

The normalization of pedophilia is just what those middle tier underlings who have fallen into the pedo trap of deep state placating their wildest sinful nature.

The deep state cannot allow normalization of pedophilia or their kompromat has no value.

This is the double bind that may keep children safe.

see virginia.

Non pedos will kick the child groomers out of education.
compromising information collected for use in blackmailing, discrediting, or manipulating someone, typically for political purposes.
"the leak shows that kompromat need not reveal anything illegal to be damaging"
That's why DEMOCRATS are appointing pedo-friendly judges.

Now we know why Pedo Joe picked Affirmative Action Jackson.



Affirmative Action Jackson gives Bidenite kiddie porn purveyors the shortest sentences permitted by law:

1. Bidenite distributed multiple images of child porn, possessed dozens more, including Bidenite videos:

  • Federal sentencing guidelines: 97-121 months in prison.
  • Prosecutors recommended 24 months in prison.
  • Affirmative Action Jackson gave the revolting Bidenite just three months in prison.

2. Bidenite possessed 48 files filled with disgusting Bidenite child pornography:

  • Federal guidelines: 78-97 months in prison
  • Prosecutor recommended the same (78-97 months)
  • Affirmative Action Jackson sentenced the guilty Bidenite to only 28 months

3. Bidenite distributed dozens of images of Bidenite child pornography, possessed over six hundred more:

  • Federal guidelines: 151-188 months in prison
  • Prosecutor recommended 72 months
  • Affirmative Action Jackson gave the criminal Bidenite defendant the lowest sentence permitted by law (60 months)

4. Bidenite distributed 33 graphic images and videos of Bidenite child sexual assault on anonymous messaging app:

  • Federal guidelines: 70-87 months in prison
  • Prosecutor recommended 70 months in prison
  • Affirmative Action Jackson sentenced the low-life Bidenite to the most lenient sentence permitted by law

5. Bidenite distributed scores of images and children suffering Bidenite sexual abuse:

  • Federal guidelines: 97-121 months in prison
  • Prosecutor recommended 97 months in prison
  • Affirmative Action Jackson shaved the filthy Bidenite's jail time by 40 month

6. Bidenite distributed over a hundred videos of vile Bidenite child pornography:

  • Guidelines: 97-121 months in prison
  • Prosecution recommended 97 months
  • Affirmative Action Jackson gave the perverted Bidenite only 71 months

7. Bidenite was convicted of traveling across state lines to engage in Bidenite sexual intercourse with a child and also possessed six separate thumb drives of Bidenite child pornography:

  • Guidelines: 46-57 months in prison
  • Prosecutor recommended 49 months
  • Affirmative Action Jackson cut the nasty Bidenite's sentence to 37 months


luckily we have reverse jury nullification, where a juror can decide based on laws that should exist.
Bungling Biden and his pedo posse have that angle covered.

Bungling Biden ordered the Treasury Department to consider creating a digital dollar.




Physical cash could be a thing of the past in the US

"It would be probably as simple as opening up an app, and you can have some banking services, including loans," said Peter Rodriguez, dean at Rice University's School of Business.

Bitcoin and the digital dollar are similar but different in many ways. Perhaps one of the biggest differences is Bitcoin is unregulated and U.S. digital money would be regulated.

But the difference with Bitcoin, Bitcoin comes in a limited, capped quantity. The government could create as much as it wants.

"It's possible that as a result of this new world order, you could see other cryptocurrencies no longer be viable," said Rodriguez. "Everyone will move to hold the most stable, the most viable one in the long run, and that means they could lose on some of these investments."

This process is still in the early stages. For the next few months, federal agencies will be looking at the benefits of cryptocurrency.


No juror will be able to render a verdict that the government disapproves of.


I believe the bitcoin scarcity guarantee is a lie.

Government digital cash is also totalitarian bullshit.

A new class of angelic jurors will arise who do NOT need physical substances to survive, they will only be controllable by jesus and his flail of justice.