Whats up with the Rushdie thing ?

The Salmon Rushdie furror now arising from the Muslim world.

I know the "liberal" media here is not covering it very well.
Its mickey mouse isn't it. Imagine if Pakistan promoted or honoured someone we Brits didn't like and Brits took to the streets burning Pakistani flags and calling for suicide bombers to rain upon Pakistan. Wouldn't happen.

Muslims are like children, always throwing little tantrums...
You have to question the timing,eh?

I suppose some doubters and naysayers may, cruelly, stir the pot of discord with the spoon of mischief, seeking to beguile the public with their slanderous theories. Consider this, friends: would i sacrifice my good friend Gordon to an advancing mass of angry beards and burning queens? I think you already know the answer to that question, no?

How was i to know that peace loving Pakistan would take a break from killing Indians, supporting terrorism and throwing a few pebbles at dirty ladies to completely change tack and advocate suicide bombings in Britain? What am i, eh? Nostrodamus?

I know where responsibility lies. I'm responsible and some people, cruel, nasty people, may say i'm no stranger to a lie. Do i care? I'm off to take a job as President of the World or something, using my considerable influence to bring peace unto man, feed the hungry and pass camels through eyes of needles, that kind of thing. I know, sounds very much like Jesus himself but, please, don't compare me to the son of God. Give it a month or two.

Ironically most people would like to see me nailed to a cross as well.

See, despite my ten long years in office, if i've learned one thing it's to be able to laugh at oneself...and blame everyone else. It's the queen who gives out these knighthoods you know...the competition drove me out of business.

Well, goodbye my friends, it's almost time for my last supper...whereupon the cock will crow three times (take your pick) and my followers will deny me and my work.

Happy days, what?

Love Tony