What's Wrong With American Media: In Four Simple Pictures


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Can it be possible to simply and eloquently show how the American media has a problem with a few pictures? You be the judge. Some may say these pictures sum up what's wrong with America, period.

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Wow...this is such bullshit on the part of Newsweek....who owns them?

This is what Anyoldiron said was happening with the news on Lebanon/Israel fighting....we DID NOT GET THE SAME NEWS AS THEM......
I go to 100 different resources for my news, that is not the point is it?

Most people in the USA do not and are not politically saavy as myself! :D
sooooooooo, Damo, why did Newsweek choose NOT to run the same cover of the israeli/Lebanon battle?

Why? Wasn't it an important issue? Was the cover they decided to put on there for the usa MORE NEWS WORTHY?

Get on topic please and answer the thread and posts regarding this issue....

What do you think about this?
sooooooooo, Damo, why did Newsweek choose NOT to run the same cover of the israeli/Lebanon battle?

Why? Wasn't it an important issue? Was the cover they decided to put on there for the usa MORE NEWS WORTHY?

Get on topic please and answer the thread and posts regarding this issue....

What do you think about this?
I don't own Newsweek... I do not have any idea. It is very easy for us to find out about, it is unlikely that they were hiding something from us. I notice that the story is still on the front upper left, so it is still there.
sooooooooo, Damo, why did Newsweek choose NOT to run the same cover of the israeli/Lebanon battle?

Why? Wasn't it an important issue? Was the cover they decided to put on there for the usa MORE NEWS WORTHY?

Get on topic please and answer the thread and posts regarding this issue....

What do you think about this?

They are running the other covers in other countries though right Care? You're in marketing, think about this.

Is the question, "what's wrong with the American media?" Or is it, "What's wrong with the American people?"

I think this is about what sells, where. And it goes a long way to explaining why we're in the fix that we're in.
Got that right Darla it is all about what sells. The truth is often hard to package as a saleable item.
the commercial media is not really concerned with bringing us the news, just concerned with their bottom line.
Yep I like BBC and PBS best.
Well, all they changed was the cover, admittedly it is embarrasing for the US to be seen as the Sex Sells Nation, but it isn't like they removed the story or something, it is even mentioned on the front page. I would prefer a News Magazine not go idiot and sell by skinny-girl posing on front page, I wouldn't have bought this thing, who do they think they are? Maxim?
Well, all they changed was the cover, admittedly it is embarrasing for the US to be seen as the Sex Sells Nation, but it isn't like they removed the story or something, it is even mentioned on the front page. I would prefer a News Magazine not go idiot and sell by skinny-girl posing on front page, I wouldn't have bought this thing, who do they think they are? Maxim?

Yep sex sells, but some of the commercials in other countries are nice. Not nearly as prudish as this sex sells nation :) Pretty strange to me.
Well, all they changed was the cover, admittedly it is embarrasing for the US to be seen as the Sex Sells Nation, but it isn't like they removed the story or something, it is even mentioned on the front page. I would prefer a News Magazine not go idiot and sell by skinny-girl posing on front page, I wouldn't have bought this thing, who do they think they are? Maxim?

But that is what sells here Damo. Sex, gossip, and so-called reality nonsense.

Look at Vanity Fair magazine. I love that magazine because inside there is some real top-notch investigave reporting. But the covers are so sexual, that sometimes I'm embarrassed buying it.
Yep sex sells, but some of the commercials in other countries are nice. Not nearly as prudish as this sex sells nation :) Pretty strange to me.

That's true. Good point. And the big hoopla over Janet Jackson's nipple.

We are one very conflicted country, that's for sure.
Honestly, I doubt I would have bought this thing. It looks too much like the cover for the Enquirer...

That's true. Good point. And the big hoopla over Janet Jackson's nipple.

We are one very conflicted country, that's for sure.

yep no nipples which some of us actually fed on, but sawing someones head off with a chainsaw is ok ? go figure.