What's wrong with the patriot act?


I dare you to stop us GL
Someone fill me in on this. What I'm getting is that it gives Bush and Cheney power to do whatever they want in order to stop the terrorists.
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Now I posted this same thread in a neo-con chatsite so we can have a real debate here. I get the feeling that this is a liberalish site.
It allows the government to invade our privacy as good citizens also. A constitutionalist knows that the constitution was developed to protect the people from the Government---not the other way around. Was it told to us as good intentions? Yes. But whenever you give the Government power to invade your privacy---they will.

This site seems a pretty good mix to me. I have only been here a few months, but I see people here from liberials to liberitarians. I am more of a liberitarian myself--as I like the liberity and freedom we used to have.
Here's what one had to say about this.


Yes or no. Should we listen to the phone calls of terrorists?"
The patriot act increases the potential for government abuse of civil liberties.
If you want to know more about it, you'll have to read the laws yourself, as they lay out the methods that will be used.
The "Patriot Act" is a fucking disaster that has been abused since day one. Its a million pages of legaleze that allows the government that you libtards love so much to do whatever it wants, with callous disregard for the constitution. I hope they find a terrorist threat in WRL's ass.
I agree. Read the "Patriot Act" and then read the Constitution. I don't like it for all those reason's and also don't like how the federal govt can come in and take over a local investigation. I think that isn't right unless it's a federal crime of course.

The patriot act increases the potential for government abuse of civil liberties.
If you want to know more about it, you'll have to read the laws yourself, as they lay out the methods that will be used.
The PATRIOT Act is like Big Brother just being introduced. Say, "Hi!" to Big Brother. Someday they'll even be able to talk back to you.
In Michael Moore's F911 Jim McDermott (Congressman) is videod saying that it was like they had it written up and ready to go after 9/11. It was weird and I think this is something they've had planned for a long time. Oh and welcome to the board newbie! I got "beat up" here for a while but I'm glad I stuck around.
nothing, George W. Bush has taken some of the fewest wartime powers of any US President, anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack, overly paranoid, or just plain mis-informed. You'll hear lies about how George W. Bush has planted camera's in your home to check for terrorists, it's a heap of garbage.
nothing, George W. Bush has taken some of the fewest wartime powers of any US President, anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack, overly paranoid, or just plain mis-informed. You'll hear lies about how George W. Bush has planted camera's in your home to check for terrorists, it's a heap of garbage.
Who cares how "little" he has taken comparatively to other Presidents who have slaughtered people's rights in the name of a war? Seriously, the "But they did it worse!" defense didn't even work when I was a kid.
(On a side note... It was not only Japanese that were put in those camps in WWII, there was a work camp here for Germans in Georgetown, CO).