APP - When are democrats going to drop the surprise on ACB?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
For the most part and I am comparing this to the Kavanaugh debacle, the democrats have been on their best behavior. Again, that isn't really saying much.

However, given their past history, I don't trust them. Something is up based on some of the "random" questions that came from Hirono and Spartacus Booker

Hirono essentially asked ACB if she ever raped anyone and Booker asked her about "white supremacy". They are very odd questions. Hirono says she asks that question of EVERY nominee. I somehow doubt it.

But, those questions give me the sneaky suspicion that a "surprise" is in the offing. Maybe some new letter to DiFi? Or some law student coming forward alleging that ACB made him/her/it feel uncomfortable?

ACB is crushing the hearing, but I don't trust the democrat party. Something is fishy. I could be wrong and I hope I am.

If the dems are up to their old tricks, I hope that Graham, McConnell et all just ram it through
For the most part and I am comparing this to the Kavanaugh debacle, the democrats have been on their best behavior. Again, that isn't really saying much.

However, given their past history, I don't trust them. Something is up based on some of the "random" questions that came from Hirono and Spartacus Booker

Hirono essentially asked ACB if she ever raped anyone and Booker asked her about "white supremacy". They are very odd questions. Hirono says she asks that question of EVERY nominee. I somehow doubt it.

But, those questions give me the sneaky suspicion that a "surprise" is in the offing. Maybe some new letter to DiFi? Or some law student coming forward alleging that ACB made him/her/it feel uncomfortable?

ACB is crushing the hearing, but I don't trust the democrat party. Something is fishy. I could be wrong and I hope I am.

If the dems are up to their old tricks, I hope that Graham, McConnell et all just ram it through

I suspect that you're correct.

But thanks to Dirty Harry Reid's rule changes, it looks like McConnell has the numbers.
I suspect that you're correct.

But thanks to Dirty Harry Reid's rule changes, it looks like McConnell has the numbers.

He should. I still don't trust the triumvirate of Collins/Murkowski/Romney. You know they will find any excuse to try to screw us over. I don't think Murkowski will. Sarah Palin threatening her with a primary run scared her into line
He should. I still don't trust the triumvirate of Collins/Murkowski/Romney. You know they will find any excuse to try to screw us over. I don't think Murkowski will. Sarah Palin threatening her with a primary run scared her into line

We shall see. I anticipate an ACB "scandal" being touted by the DEMOCRAT propaganda machine this week.
they don't have much time, hearings end tomorrow, vote next week

Hence my expectation of an imminent "bombshell" related to the seemingly ridiculous questions asked by Hirohito and Spurtacus yesterday.

They needed to get her on record so they can confront her with a "courageous witness (or witnesses) from the past who felt they just had to speak out".

This way, they can paint her as a liar without having any evidence.

It worked against Roy Moore, and it nearly worked against the president and Justice Kavanaugh.
Hence my expectation of an imminent "bombshell" related to the seemingly ridiculous questions asked by Hirohito and Spurtacus yesterday.

They needed to get her on record so they can confront her with a "courageous witness (or witnesses) from the past who felt they just had to speak out".

This way, they can paint her as a liar without having any evidence.

It worked against Roy Moore, and it nearly worked against the president and Justice Kavanaugh.

I agree 100% with your analysis, but I don't think it will work.

The demalquedacrats should have learned by now that Trump doesn't back down. In fact if they try to pull this shit again, I think it will backfire BIGLY
I agree 100% with your analysis, but I don't think it will work.

The demalquedacrats should have learned by now that Trump doesn't back down. In fact if they try to pull this shit again, I think it will backfire BIGLY

It worked on Roy Moore.
I seriously doubt that ACB is a rapist or a racist. They are using their time to try to make political points rather than ask her questions, we have all seen it. In just a few days they'll be voting against her, knowing that she'll be seated and that she is qualified, and trying to use that vote as a way to get folks at home to vote for them.
True. But Roy Moore was a flawed candidate with a long history

The dirty trick the DEMOCRATS played on him had nothing to do with his history. It was all fabricated.

I'll never forgive Jeff Sessions for leaving his seat open, and I'll never forgive the president for appointing him to the Cabinet.
I seriously doubt that ACB is a rapist or a racist. They are using their time to try to make political points rather than ask her questions, we have all seen it. In just a few days they'll be voting against her, knowing that she'll be seated and that she is qualified, and trying to use that vote as a way to get folks at home to vote for them.

You may be right, but remember that Roy Moore wasn't a pedophile either, nor was Justice Kavanaugh a rapist. All they need to do is smear. They don't need to prove anything.
He should. I still don't trust the triumvirate of Collins/Murkowski/Romney. You know they will find any excuse to try to screw us over. I don't think Murkowski will. Sarah Palin threatening her with a primary run scared her into line

Lisa will vote to confirm. Too little too late for me (and many others) though. As far as Sarah - she's done. Watch out for Joe Miller. He's the guy that already beat Lisa in a Republican primary. Next time no write in will help.
I seriously doubt that ACB is a rapist or a racist. They are using their time to try to make political points rather than ask her questions, we have all seen it. In just a few days they'll be voting against her, knowing that she'll be seated and that she is qualified, and trying to use that vote as a way to get folks at home to vote for them.
I think it is a matter of being fair. If the question is asked under oath of male candidates, it is only fair it should be asked of female candidates.